“For many years, our governor has been vehemently committed to harder punishments against refusal to integrate – this can be read in many media reports. Just like the years of harsh criticism from the left that her asylum policy as the Interior Minister was “inhuman” and “too hard”. It is all the more important that we consistently act against those who do not want to integrate who do not seek protection, but only money and a social hammock – and to reject our way of life. Lower Austria will measure an upcoming federal government and only support it if this is guaranteed. In any case, the announcement by Interior Minister Gerhard Karner is a first important step in the right direction, ”said VPNÖ state manager Matthias Zauner.
People’s Party of Lower Austria
E-mail: pressse@vpnoe.at
Website: https://vpnoe.at/presse/
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | Nnv