Good news from Brussels: newly elected Commission President for climate-neutral eFuels for cars, trucks and buses

Good news from Brussels: newly elected Commission President for climate-neutral eFuels for cars, trucks and buses

Von der Leyen achieved a large majority in the European Parliament, so her proposal should be approved by the Council and Parliament

Vienna (OTS) Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who was confirmed in her office yesterday, is in favor of recognizing eFuels in achieving the CO2 limit values ​​in road transport. Their commitment to technological openness and eFuels is part of their guidelines, which were communicated in advance to the European Parliament and the public. Von der Leyen achieved a large majority in the European Parliament, so her proposal should be approved by the Council and Parliament.

We have been calling for this for a long time, and it has finally reached the Commission. This does not weaken climate protection, but rather puts it on several levels. E-mobility and eFuels can achieve the goals together more quickly than either technology alone.”eFuel Alliance President Jürgen Roth is pleased about the new course.

Now the iron should be struck straight away, ideally within the first hundred days after the new president takes office, because waiting is not an option. Creating regulatory clarity is now really urgent; no one will benefit if the phase of uncertainty lasts until 2026“, warns the head of the Austrian eFuel Alliance, which represents 110 companies and associations.

Investors for projects in the EU and worldwide are waiting for the signal from the EU legislator to scale up the projects from the pilot stage. “The faster we create clarity, the better for the climate and the faster fossil CO2 emissions will fall“, says Jürgen Roth in conclusion.

Questions & Contact:

eFuel Alliance Austria | Dr. Stephan Schwarzer | Managing Director
+43 664 381 88 26 | |

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