Global study underpins urgent need for action to stop genetic impoverishment

Global study underpins urgent need for action to stop genetic impoverishment

In the most comprehensive global analysis of genetic diversity to date, an international team of experts has found that genetic diversity decreases worldwide, but can help nature conservation measures to slow down or even reverse the trend.

The groundbreaking study “Global Meta-Analysis Shows Action is Needed to Halt Genetic Diversity Loss”, which has just been in the renowned journal Nature has been published, the community work of an international team of more than 50 researchers:

The analyzed data extends over more than three decades (from 1985 to 2019) and cover 628 species of animals, plants and mushrooms from all terrestrial and most marine regions of the world. Two thirds of the examined populations lose genetic diversity, but protective measures that aim to improve the environmental conditions, enlarge the populations and increase the number of reproductive individuals protect genetic diversity and in some cases they even increase again.

Frank E. Zachos, head of the Mammal Collection of the Natural History Museum Vienna and one of the study authors, states: “It cannot be denied that biological diversity decreases rapidly worldwide – but there is also hope. The measures taken by conservationists can reverse these losses and help to maintain genetically diverse populations that are better able to counter the challenges of the future. ”

The international team used innovations in data analysis to gain new knowledge from studies that were carried out decades ago. In this way, they were able to make comparisons between work, even if different methods were used and genetic data had been collected in different ways. “This approach has made it possible to understand the change in the genetic diversity over time to an unprecedented extent, which is an enormous advantage if you want to look at populations and trends at a global level”so Zachos.

Nature conservation measures that can stop the genetic impoverishment include translocations (in which individuals are relocated between populations, for example to strengthen and counteract small populations), habitat restoration, population management as well as the regulation of distorted or exertioned species and pests.

Examples of successful measures include the translocation of ice foxes and prairie wages into existing populations in Sweden or North America as well as the successful treatment of diseases in the stocks of black-andtered prairi dogs, which has significantly improved the health of colonies in northwestern Montanas in the USA.

The scientists hope that the results presented will lead to further nature conservation efforts, especially in those cases in which there are currently none: two thirds of the populations examined are exposed to threats, but less than half of them are currently enjoying any protective measures . In order to protect species and populations in the long term and to ensure their resilience, findings such as the study from the present study urgently need to be integrated into the practice of nature and species protection.

Original publication: Shaw, Robyn E., Farquharson, K., et al., ‘Global meta-analysis shows action is needed to halt genetic diversity loss’ (Nature 2025) Two: 10.1038/S41586-024-08458-X

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Scientific recovery.

Prof. Dr. Habil. Frank Emmanuel Zachos

Head of the Mammal Collection, NHM Vienna

Tel: +43 (1) 52177 – 550 I

General recovery.

Mag. Irina Kubadinow, Head of Press Department, press spokeswoman
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 410 |

Mag. Daniela Emminger-Stebegg, Pressereferentin
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 680 |

Mag. Nikolett Kertész-Schenk, Bakk. Ba Mas, Pressabteilung
Tel.: + 43 (1) 521 77 – 626 |

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