Gen Z employees and apprentices are the skilled workers and top managers of tomorrow

CEOs FOR FUTURE Short study shows: Gen Z employees and apprentices are the focus of companies for a sustainable future.

Vienna (OTS) CEOs FOR FUTURE is a strong voice from business with more than 70 top managers and member companies. Together they are committed to shaping a sustainable future. “GenZ is very important for our member companies, as apprentices and young employees in the Austrian economy belong to this generation. They are the specialists and managers of tomorrow.”says Birgit Kraft-Kinz, CEOs FOR FUTURE deputy chairmanand added: “Companies themselves are increasingly incorporating sustainability issues into the training of their Gen Z employees and apprentices and would like vocational schools to do the same.”

Gen Z employees and apprentices play an important role

The actual CEOs FOR FUTURE study Gen Z Apprentice Day 2023, which was carried out among the C4F member companies, brings new insights into Gen Z employees and apprentices and their importance for companies: Around 91% of the companies surveyed employ Gen Z employees. More than half completely agree with the statement “Gen Z employees are the specialists and managers of tomorrow” (10 out of 10 points). Likewise, the broad majority (67.6%) fully agreed that apprentices are the specialists and managers of tomorrow. Apprenticeship training is very important to almost 60%.

A central question in the short study relates to “sustainability in the curricula of vocational schools”. Almost 90% of companies agree completely (44.4%) or strongly (44.4%) with the statement “The training plans of vocational schools should include the topic of sustainability even more.” Around 70% of the companies surveyed fully support the public’s demands to strengthen the curricula in vocational schools in the area of ​​sustainability with climate protection including energy transition, biodiversity and circular economy. The study still shows that there is great potential for more sustainability training at vocational schools.

Companies focus on sustainability in training

More than half (55.6%) of the companies surveyed said they were already conducting internal training on sustainability for their Gen Z employees and apprentices.

The CEOs FOR FUTURE member companies Greiner Packaging, Nespresso, FMTG I Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group and the Wiener Stadtwerke Group are particularly committed to sustainability education in teaching and among young Gen Z employees.

Greiner is committed to sustainable training for Gen Z employees and the approximately 100 apprentices across the division. Topics such as circular economy and climate protection play central roles in the plastics industry: “Apprenticeship training is very important at Greiner. We pay particular attention to understanding the circular economy and digitalization.”so Beatrix the teacherCEO of Greiner Packaging.

Nespresso is committed to strengthening its more than 360 employees in Austria – including many Gen Z and apprentices. “Sustainability is an important focus for our company and the training of our apprentices and Gen Z employees. The aim is to raise awareness as an important international company and to set the course for a good future.”so Daniel SchneiderManaging Director Nespresso Austria.

Erich FalkensteinerChairman of the Supervisory Board of the FMTG I Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group, which currently employs 30 apprentices in Austria and South Tyrol, believes that the transfer of knowledge is extremely important: “The tourism and leisure sector is the second most important economic sector in Austria after industry and as such an employer for many young people from Gen Z. We must therefore start training our young talent towards responsible tourism in the future.”

The central task of the Wiener Stadtwerke Group with its 16,000 employees is to achieve climate neutrality by 2040 and maintain the quality of life in Vienna. “We are tackling the climate change. We are working on converting energy systems and on climate-friendly mobility of the future. These are tasks that we will tackle with our apprentices.”so Peter Weinelt, Designated Director General of the Vienna public utilities.

C4F Gen Z Apprentice Day 2023: Focus on strengthening knowledge

Am 8. November 2023 he finds it CEOs FOR FUTURE Gen Z Apprentice Day 2023 in the Museumsquartier Vienna. The aim is for the company delegations to make greater use of the topic of sustainability with climate protection, including the energy transition, biodiversity and circular economy, in the company’s internal training courses. The focus is on joy, fun and motivation. “We are looking forward to the 10 company delegations and the interesting day with our generation ambassador Doris Schmidauer,” says Birgit Kraft-Kinz and concludes. “Without the great commitment of our member companies, we cannot achieve the necessary cross-sector and cross-country transformation of the economy.”

Companies participating in the C4F Gen Z Apprentice Day 2023: ASFINAG I Coca-Cola HBC Austria I ÖBB I Greiner I FMTG – Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group I Nespresso I ÖBB I Austrian Federal Forests I REXEL I Eastern Region Transport Association (VOR) I Wiener Stadtwerke Group

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CEOs FOR FUTURE is a non-profit association to promote and accelerate the sustainable transformation to a fossil-free, environmentally and resource-friendly economy and society – with more than 70 top managers and companies from different industries as supporters. The ambassador of the C4F economic platform is Wolfgang Anzengruber. The focus of the C4F generation platform, with ambassador Doris Schmidauer, is dialogue and exchange with youth – apprentices, Gen Z employees, youth organizations – at eye level.

Questions & Contact:

Pamela Schmid-Graf
CEOs FOR FUTURE – PR, communication and social media

Gloriettegasse 13, 1130 Vienna
+ 43 660 15 17 597

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