Gahr welcomes the revision of the autonomy statute

Gahr welcomes the revision of the autonomy statute

South Tyrol book presentations on April 16th in parliament

Vienna (OTS) On Thursday, the South Tyrol subcommittee met in parliament for the fifth time since the beginning of the current legislative period. A lot has happened in South Tyrol since the last committee. Arno Kompatscher was elected South Tyrolean governor for the third time and for the first time there is a five-party coalition in the state parliament. “Arno Kompatscher is a reliable partner and experienced politician, especially in these turbulent times he is an important constant. He stands for stability and reliability in a five-party coalition. These qualities are crucial,” says the chairman of the South Tyrol Committee Hermann Gahr .

The further development of South Tyrol’s autonomy and the restoration of autonomous competencies are of important importance for South Tyrol. A motion for a resolution in the South Tyrol subcommittee of the government factions takes up this issue and asks the federal government to provide appropriate support to the South Tyrolean state government in restoring the autonomy standards of 1992, if South Tyrol sees a need for this. “A working group in Italy is now working on the revision of the Statute of Autonomy. We are very confident that Rome and South Tyrol will soon come to an agreement on this. We are following developments closely and Austria is always ready to support South Tyrol if necessary. I welcome “I am very pleased with this development and am confident that the skills that have been lost over the years will be restored and that South Tyrol’s autonomy will ultimately be strengthened,” said Gahr.

Regarding Italy’s ECJ lawsuit against Austria regarding the transit issue, Gahr notes that Austria and especially Tyrol are calm about the infringement proceedings. “Three times as many trucks travel over the Brenner Pass as over all Swiss Alpine crossings combined. The top priority is to protect the health of the population, as well as supply and traffic safety. This can currently only be guaranteed by the Tyrolean emergency measures. Instead of taking legal action, we should “We are working together on constructive solutions. All the measures taken are legally compliant and necessary, especially in view of climate change. With the slot system, a solution is already on the table, the ball is now in Italy’s court,” says the Tyrolean MP.

On April 16th at 5:30 p.m. two books about South Tyrol’s autonomy will be presented in parliament. “Can South Tyrol be a state” and “Autonomy as a peace solution” are presented by the authors and there should also be an exchange between the South Tyrol speakers from all parliamentary groups. “I am very pleased that we managed to get the authors for a book presentation in parliament. These books show opportunities and strategies for the further development of South Tyrol’s autonomy. Oskar Peterlini, long-time senator and author of the book ‘Autonomy as a peace solution “In his work, he emphasizes the exemplary nature of South Tyrol’s autonomy, but he would like to see it expanded in many areas. This evening we will certainly hear more interesting aspects and opportunities for further development,” says Gahr. (Ending)

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