FW General Secretary Langthaler: Luxury group EVN – additional board position pure chutzpah!

FW General Secretary Langthaler: Luxury group EVN – additional board position pure chutzpah!

An additional board position is a slap in the face to the ripped off energy customers and thus also to the Lower Austrian economy!

St. Pölten (OTS) The Freedom Economy of Lower Austria sharply criticizes the state energy supplier EVN because of the creation of an additional third board position. State chairman Reinhard Langthaler, who represents the interests of the Lower Austrian economy, describes this as a wrong signal to energy customers and Lower Austrian companies and emphasizes that they are suffering from high energy prices.

Langthaler: “Companies are facing significant challenges due to skyrocketing energy prices. Instead of ensuring noticeable relief here, EVN is creating another highly paid board position. This is unacceptable”.

Langthaler calls on EVN to take into account the needs of the economy and its customers and to focus on sustainable pricing. The creation of a third board position, which is worth several hundred thousand euros annually, is rejected.

The Freedom Economy of Lower Austria appeals to EVN to assume its corporate responsibility and to consider reversing this decision in order to send a positive signal to the economy.

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