Fun and responsibility – a dusty story

We all become dust at some point. Romantic nonsense, we have long been.

Photo: Hans/Pixabay

»The storytellers have not imagined that Sleeping Beauty would wake up from a thick layer of dust; Also, they did not think of the dark cobwebs that would have been torn with the first movement of their red hair. But there is constantly sad layers of dust into the earthly dust and polluted them in a unique way: as if it were about preparing the attics and old rooms for the upcoming entry of visits, ghosts and larvae that feed on the worm -gropy smell of the old dust and weed up on it. ”

This is what Georges Bataille writes and I think: Did you know that 90 percent of the house dust, against which we are officially allergic, are skin particles of ourselves? So if we are allergic to our own mortal abrasion, our slowly resolve us, our hand in hand goes with a new one. You become a new person, piece by piece.

Ms. Holle shakes the down ceilings, she scattered herself on the street, it snowed particles of past people.

But: The cells do not all renew themselves at the same time, you never know exactly which construction site of the body is being processed next.

“I need to get you out of my system” is said if you want to get rid of someone who is pursuing you, in one way or another. And that can literally be meant. After a few years, hardly a skin particle (with which you once touched) is still the same – you are another, you live in a new skin, a skin that has renewed yourself piece by piece, the process was literally organically that you could hardly follow it in the mirror. An invisible renewal. The rest of you do not end up in your own bedroom, under the duvet, which should be left lying down. You sneeze, you take tablets that fulfill you with leading tiredness – you are allergic to yourself, against the one you once was.

Fun and responsibility

Bahar Kaygusuz

Olga Hohmann does not understand what work is and tries to find out every day. Sitting in her Ortlos Office, she explores her biography and enjoys her own neuroses. All texts on

And Georges Bataille adds: “If the maids, who are well suited for everything, arm themselves with a large dust frond everywhere, they may not be entirely unclear that they, like the positivist scholars, help to remove harmful ghosts that are disgusted by cleanliness and logic. It is true that sooner or later the dust, which will probably start to win against the employees, and then penetrate into the tremendous rubble of abandoned buildings and deserted warehouses: And in this distant time, nothing will last that saves us from the nightly horror, in whose absence we have become such great folders “

The maids who are suitable for everything – writes Bataille.

That save us from the dust, from ourselves, our remains of our mortals, to be flooded with our skin particles.

And I go through my apartment with my dust fronds from ostrich feathers and wipe the dust, from one side to the other, I whirl it on, that is, that is, the particles that were part of me, a past self, it glitters in the air and lays down somewhere else. I sneeze. I take an antihistamine against household energy, the allergy to myself, and fall into deep sleep.

Like Sleeping Beauty, a Hypersomniac, the dusty late riser, covered by herself.

Wipe dust – invisible work with more invisible matter.

Sleeping Beauty is therefore a hypersomniac, the opposite of an insomniac. Excessed by a thick layer of dust, when you wake up, she brings the cobwebs grown fine over her head, the spiders that have set up for decades lose their house, their fairy tale palace.

Rapunzel has fleas – the prince who climbs up on her long hair, scratches all day – Rapunzel helps him, it is a lovemaking, she scratches and scratches his back, it is an infinite game, the itching becomes stronger, the stronger she scratches. Once the “itch” has disappeared, the lovemaking is over.

The princess on the pea has evaded taxes and is now broke.

Cinderella undergo a painful beauty op – so that you can also fit high heels later. Or how was that again?

The fairy tales twist in the dream, twisted their more or less misogyne, turns into itself. After so many years of sleep, Sleeping Beauty is literally a new person that consists of new cells. The thick layer of dust that lies on her is the remnant of her own body, man who once was. We are equally in becoming, as in the offense.

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