Full-column pig frames earn a lot of money
Vienna (OTS) –

Don’t you hear the pig farms whine every day how little they would earn? The introduction at least one minimum of animal welfare, namely the abolition of the full column floor, is impossible to provide financially. According to a scientific study 1, a deep straw litter (plus castration under anesthesia, no cups of tail and run outdoors!) Would increase the costs, including current grants, only by 35.07 cents per kg of slaughter weight. The Green Report of the Department of Agriculture in 2023 indicates a net profit for pork pours with an average of 600 animals of EUR 109,514 per year, when included in larger companies with an average of 730 animals even EUR 138,552. These values ​​are 5 times the net profits in 2003. While the winning of the pig farms increases rapidly and reaches large sums, the animals are 35 cents per kg in order to switch from the largest torture to a keeping system that promises a certain quality of life. The VGT therefore once again reminded the government of the government to offer the Austrian pigs a quality of life in front of the Federal Chancellery.

VGT-OBSPERSON GDR. Martin Balluch, there is hardly a division, especially in agriculture, as the pig industry. Show: The pig industries can cope with a change of state, especially with the state of attitude, as is mandatory for pork, the consumer, as the constant meat advertising, which does not meet reality and then there would be no pork from abroad.

In order to point out this grievance, VGT will hold an action on Ballhausplatz tomorrow:

If: Wednesday 19.3.2025, 10:00 a.m.-10:30 p.m.
Wo: Ballhausplatz, 1010 Vienna
Was: An activist costumed as a farmer stands next to a “structured” full column floor, on which 5 pig figures are set up. An animal rights activist with homicide mask hands over the farmer in a bundle of banknotes.

Action: New construction of pig-column floor is still subsidized!

Funding for the full column floor rejected by 92 % of people still make up about 50 % of all investment grants for pig farms. The area funding for feed cultivation and many other funding even benefits from the old full-column floor pork tapes.

Datum: 03/19/2025, 10:00 a.m.

Art: General appointments

Ort: Ballhausplatz


1010 Wien


URL: https://vgt.at/presse/news/2025/news20250318mn_2.php

VGT – Association against animal factories
DDr. Martin Balluch
Telephone: +43 (1) 929 14 98
E-mail: medien@vgt.at
Website: https://vgt.at

OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – www.ots.at | VGT

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