Free places for young people: Accompanied WiG City Challenge tours can be booked for free until October | Vienna Health Promotion Non-Profit GmbH

Free places for young people: Accompanied WiG City Challenge tours can be booked for free until October | Vienna Health Promotion Non-Profit GmbH

Vienna (OTS) –

To familiarize young people with health topics and their own district in a playful way? This is very easy with the City Challenge of Vienna Health Promotion – WiG. The good thing is that there are still places available on the accompanied tours in the districts of Landstrasse, Simmering and Donaustadt. The tours were developed by young people for young people aged 12 to 19 and can be booked free of charge by schools and youth facilities for a school trip or an autumn afternoon until the end of October. “Young people are very familiar with digital tools and they enjoy being guided from station to station through the district on tours using the app. “They deal with health topics in various tasks and get to know leisure activities in their own neighborhood,” emphasizes Dennis Beck, Managing Director of Vienna Health Promotion – WiG.

Select Grätzel and secure remaining places

Vienna Health Promotion – WiG offers schools and youth-specific institutions the opportunity to take part in the accompanied City Challenge tours free of charge. All you need to do is book an appointment for the relevant district – Landstraße, Simmering or Donaustadt – at The tours last around two hours and are accompanied by trained supporters from the City Challenge team. All information is there here.

“Do it yourself” tours in numerous districts of Vienna

In addition to the accompanied tours, Vienna Health Promotion – WiG also offers “do it yourself” tours that invite you to explore your own neighborhood independently. The offer is available all year round in the districts of Leopoldstadt, Margareten, Mariahilf, Favoriten, Meidling, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Ottakring, Brigittenau and Floridsdorf. Just that App Download “Actionbound”, Select district and here we go!

About the project
The WiG City Challenge is an offer for young people and part of the “Healthy Districts” program. It is carried out by queraum on behalf of Vienna Health Promotion – WiG. cultural and social research implemented. The City Challenge offering is continually being expanded to include additional districts in Vienna.



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