Frauenring: The burden of unpaid work is still a woman’s responsibility

Frauenring: The burden of unpaid work is still a woman’s responsibility

Time use study shows more than ever unequal distribution of work

Vienna (OTS) “The time use study published today provides evidence that society is largely supported by the unpaid work of women. A society that gratefully accepts this unpaid work by women, but is not prepared to compensate for it accordingly. A society that still accepts that women receive little or no recognition for this work, neither in the form of independent social security nor as a precaution against poverty in old age,” criticizes the chairwoman of the Austrian Women’s Ring, Klaudia Frieben.

“If it now turns out that women spend an average of 3:19 hours a day on paid work and 4:19 hours on unpaid work, then it becomes clear that the roles in Austria are cemented. Housework, care and nursing are still the responsibility of women and are unpaid,” says Frieben.

“Politicians are urgently called upon to ensure that framework conditions are urgently created to enable women to have a living job. NOT ANYTIME, BUT NOW. Politicians are also urgently called upon to take budgetary measures to ensure that women are protected from poverty, both in the social sector and in old age. “The dignified security that society owes them for their work,” demands Klaudia Frieben.

Questions & Contact:

Klaudia Frieben
Chairwoman of the Austrian Women’s Ring
Tel. 0664/6145800

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