FPÖ – Vilimsky: “Waste of EU funds continues to increase!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

The latest figures from the European Court of Auditors show an alarming increase in incorrect spending in the EU budget. According to the annual report for 2023 published today, 5.6 percent of the EU budget was spent in a way that does not comply with current regulations. This means an increase of 4.2 percent compared to the previous year. For the liberal head of the delegation in the European Parliament, Harald Vilimsky, this is an intolerable situation that once again demonstrates the European Union’s poor financial management.

“It is incomprehensible how the EU is wasting more and more tax money and yet not drawing any conclusions from it. Austrian taxpayers have to pay for this mismanagement, while no meaningful measures are being taken in Brussels to stop this wasteful madness once and for all,” explained Vilimsky.

Vilimsky called for stricter control of EU spending and more transparency in the handling of the Union’s funds. “There needs to be a complete review of EU financial flows and a return to greater national ownership. The member states must be able to decide for themselves how to use their tax money instead of sending the money to Brussels, where it is then managed inefficiently,” emphasized the liberal politician.

“It is also incomprehensible that the Court of Auditors does not even check whether the original goal of a project has been achieved, only the formal discrepancies are pointed out. The Court of Auditors as an organ needs urgent reform in order to finally be able to function as a meaningful control body,” emphasized Vilimsky. According to Vilimsky, the continued employment of former President Klaus-Heiner Lehne, who continues to serve as a member of the Budget Control Committee despite allegations of corruption, is just further evidence of this.

The FPÖ has been calling for a reduction in Austria’s payments to the EU for years and sees its criticism once again confirmed. “As long as the EU is unable to manage its own spending correctly, it is irresponsible that Austrian taxpayers continue to have to transfer billions to Brussels,” said Vilimsky.


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