FPÖ – Vilimsky to Schieder: “Terrible” is the politics of the SPÖ |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Peace, freedom, prosperity instead of the left-wing red destruction of Austria”

Vienna (OTS) “If there is something to be shocked about, then it is the terrible politics of the SPÖ with Schieder, Babler and Co., which regularly betrays the interests of Austrians both at home and in Europe,” said the liberal top candidate for the EU elections Harald Vilimsky in a reply to the statements made by SPÖ top candidate Schieder in today’s APA interview.

“The SPÖ and its left-wing cronies stand for mass immigration into the social system, the Brussels centralization madness, the loss of jobs due to the crazy climate measures and the promotion of record inflation. Only the FPÖ stands up unconditionally for the Austrian population and wants to work with them “The motto must be to stop illegal mass immigration with our European partners and bring competencies back from Brussels to the nation states instead of the left-wing, red destruction of Austria,” said the Freedom Party.

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