FPÖ – Theuermann/Doppler: “ÖVP policies are driving the education system into ruin!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) At today’s meeting of the Federal Council, the Freedom Party submitted an urgent request to Education Minister Polaschek with the title “ÖVP policy is driving the education system into ruin!” The main topics were the problematic situation at compulsory schools in Austria and the students’ lack of German language skills. From the perspective of the Freedom Party Federal Councilors, the ÖVP minister bears responsibility for these untenable conditions. FPÖ Federal Councilor Isabella Theuermann: “Just recently there was a real cry for help from schools in the daily newspapers: ‘We can’t handle this anymore!’ Unfortunately, that is the conclusion in a nutshell after decades of failed education policy by the ÖVP and SPÖ! But the unity party simply looks the other way and denies the sometimes catastrophic conditions in the schools. That is why we have made the situation in our schools the subject of our urgent request today.”

Unfortunately, the various areas in which the black-green-red-pink politics have failed intertwine, especially at school. The effects of migration flows are overloading the education system and things are getting worse every day. Schools are now faced with almost insoluble problems, especially in metropolitan areas. “It starts with very basic things. How are teachers supposed to communicate with students if the children don’t speak German? Over 50 percent of Viennese elementary school students – including those born in Austria – do not speak German in their everyday lives. In Vienna middle schools the value is now almost 80 percent, in Vienna-Ottakring it is an incredible 93 percent,” says Theuermann.

FPÖ Federal Councilor Marlies Doppler added: “The biggest problem is the failure of the black-green federal government in migration and integration policy. Conflicts of a religious and cultural nature break out here, and all of these conflicts that were imported into Austria can be found in our schools. Three quarters of all teachers would rather leave school later rather than sooner; they are demotivated. More and more parents have well-founded fears for the future of their children. But instead of getting to the root of the problem, the level of education continues to be leveled downwards. Things cannot and must not continue like this.”

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