FPÖ – Steger confronts von der Leyen with accusations of censorship by Elon Musk | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Steger confronts von der Leyen with accusations of censorship by Elon Musk |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Written request to the EU Commission is intended to clarify whether a secret deal was actually offered and other social media accepted it

Vienna/Strasbourg (OTS) The liberal European spokesperson MEP Petra Steger demands answers to the unbelievable allegations made by the US entrepreneur and owner of the social media platform X, Elon Musk, against the EU Commission. This is said to have pressured him into illegal secret agreements. X should practice silent censorship and be exempt from impending penalties for alleged violations of the Digital Services Act.

Petra Steger sees this as a completely unacceptable continuation of the Brussels censorship regime and demands a complete clarification: “Anyone who does not support the EU’s left-wing globalist agenda has to fear a political campaign with horrendous financial penalties. Musk is currently having to experience this with his online platform If the allegations are true, there must be political consequences. Free speech is the Achilles heel of our democracy and must be defended at all costs against any censorship measures!”

“Equally worrying is the fact that, according to Musk, other platforms are said to have accepted this dirty backroom deal. This means that the EU’s control and censorship madness threatens to soon reach a new peak. However, this development is absolutely unacceptable and rightly causes great concern among citizens, which is why, as a first step, I submitted a written question to the EU Commission,” explained Steger. The Commission now has to give its opinion on key issues, which are as follows:

  1. Who, when and with what specific content, conducted the discussions with representatives of X Corp. on behalf of the Commission in the course of the ongoing investigation into violations of the DSA?
  2. What specific demands, suggestions or offers were expressed by the Commission and was “silent censorship” in particular – for example through deletion, blocking or suppression of the reach of certain content or accounts – an issue?
  3. With which platforms and with what content was a “deal”, as Elon Musk describes it, concluded?

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