FPÖ – Spalt: “Boys’ choir are facing financial ruin because of the ÖVP and the Greens” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) “While hundreds of thousands of euros were paid out to Ukrainian artists in 2023, our Vienna Boys’ Choir is facing financial ruin. According to press reports, around 800,000 euros are missing for further operations. The minus is due to the Corona measures with the unfortunate lockdowns by the ÖVP and the Greens, reinforced by the horrendous inflation, which makes operations terribly more expensive,” said the liberal cultural spokesman NAbg. Thomas Spalt.

As early as 2015, the FPÖ warned of impending financial bottlenecks and pointed out the importance of this wonderful institution for the cultural nation of Austria. This is also in view of the fact that the Vienna Boys’ Choir is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is well known worldwide. “The ÖVP and the Greens are plundering our citizens, throwing the hard-earned tax money out the window with open hands, but such an important and culturally significant institution is being abandoned and starved financially,” explained Spalt.

“We call on the ÖVP and the Greens to immediately ensure financial security for the boys’ choir. This federal government should send less tax money abroad, spend less tax money on woke nonsense and less tax money on marginalized groups that have disappeared, but should instead take care of our country’s cultural heritage. “Fortunately, this mismatch of cultural values ​​and concerns will be over in nine months,” emphasized the FPÖ cultural spokesman and assured that there will be no such shameful treatment by the FPÖ of such an important cultural institution, which is also Austria’s calling card .

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