FPÖ – Schnedlitz to ÖVP Foreign Minister Schallenberg: “A dangerous mix of embarrassment and scaredy-cat mentality” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz to ÖVP Foreign Minister Schallenberg: “A dangerous mix of embarrassment and scaredy-cat mentality” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) “A government that hides in the toilet of the Hofburg to smoke is more reminiscent of school days than of state responsibility. At school, the Foreign Minister could also improve his knowledge of neutrality and civics and, above all, learn to understand connections in a meaningful way,” reacted the liberal Secretary General NAbg today. Michale Schnedlitz on an absurd interview by the Foreign Minister.

It is well known that for Schallenberg our neutrality is just smoke and mirrors. “The minister shows almost every day what he thinks of our sovereignty – namely nothing! He tramples on both the constitution and the rights of our citizens and would probably prefer to dissolve Austria into an EU state today rather than tomorrow and involve us ever further in the economic war and sanctions against Russia. As foreign minister, he would actually have to play a neutral and mediating role. He is visibly afraid of going his own way in the interests of the population. Because of this scaredy-cat mentality, he is trapped as an accomplice of the Union and Co. while the people suffer and have to deal with the mess,” said Schnedlitz.

Schallenberg’s desire to remain in office even after the election was also “heartfelt”, while he visibly let his constant fear of Herbert Kickl resonate in almost every interview. “Schallenberg’s fear of Herbert Kickl is entirely understandable, since Schallenberg knows that a foreign minister as embarrassing and fearful as he is, who also causes massive damage to neutrality and the republic, is not possible in a government led by the FPÖ under a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl role will play. Austria must finally be freed from the black-green federal government’s spreaders of misery. Only a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl and a strong FPÖ can secure and preserve our sovereignty,” emphasized Schnedlitz.

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