FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “SPÖ calls on people to shoot Herbert Kickl during a game” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “SPÖ calls on people to shoot Herbert Kickl during a game” | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

At the appearance of SPÖ chairman Andreas Babler, who organized a game in Wiener Neustadt today as part of his “With heart and brain” tour, people were asked to take a picture of FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl. An almost identical scandal had already caused a massive stir years ago. But the SPÖ apparently hasn’t learned anything.

FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz criticized this sharply and called for Babler’s immediate resignation: “Shooting people and asking spectators to do it, no matter what, is crossing boundaries that cannot be tolerated. Glorification of violence has no place in an election campaign or in a democracy. SPÖ chairman Babler should therefore stop his election campaign and resign immediately! If he himself doesn’t know what decency requires, then the SPÖ federal party executive must immediately take action, officially apologize and expel Babler from the party – it has now dawned on the comrades anyway that he is completely wrong.”

The ever-approaching defeat on September 29th is apparently driving radicalization towards the left-wing extremist fringe in the Babler-SPÖ. “A maximum of 150 visitors, the majority of whom were probably forced-to-give-up officials, came to Babler’s motorhome tour stop near Wiener Neustädter Hauptplatz today. In comparison, there were well over 2,500 at Herbert Kickl’s appearance as part of his ‘With You Against the System’ tour in May. This is a clear sign of who the people place their trust and hope in – namely in a liberal People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, who initiates a red-white-red turnaround for the good for the population, and not in a red upper Marxist who “We also want to ignite the turbocharger for the downward spiral that the ÖVP and the Greens have sent our country on in its crazy course that is anti-business and anti-prosperity,” said Schnedlitz.


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