FPÖ – Schnedlitz/Hafenecker: “Attempts to attack Herbert Kickl out of panic over loss of power and control hit the ÖVP like a boomerang!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz/Hafenecker: “Attempts to attack Herbert Kickl out of panic over loss of power and control hit the ÖVP like a boomerang!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Herbert Kickl, with the “People’s Chancellor Movement”, is on the side of the population, against the ÖVP and the system of postal haggling and favoritism

Vienna (OTS) “The intensity and the ‘Silberstein’ methods with which the system, especially the ÖVP, has tried in the last few months and especially in the last few days to attack FPÖ party chairman Herbert Kickl, to patch up his stuff and to discredit him, just shows one thing: the ÖVP is not only afraid, it is panicking about a loss of control and power, the collapse of its house of cards and it is desperately trying to bury the ‘atomic bombs’ of scandals that it is sitting on and that could go off in time. This strategy of the system will not work and is increasingly developing into a boomerang that will fall on the people’s party’s head,” explained the two FPÖ general secretaries NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz and NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA.

The methods with which a system tries to prevent the loss of control and power are nothing new; a look at history is enough. As more and more courageous people stood up against the GDR system and its wall, Honecker spoke of oxen and donkeys. “And what the terms ‘ox and donkey’ were to Honecker in 1989, to the black-green-red-pink unity party ‘life-threateners’, ‘swearers’ or ‘tinfoil hat wearers’ were to all those people who didn’t want to take part in this system took away their basic rights and freedoms without evidence and without necessity and wanted to force them to have a corona vaccination by law. “Honecker’s wall has fallen, the house of cards of Corona measures has collapsed. Herbert Kickl was right – and the others, especially the ÖVP, were not only wrong, but also committed injustice, namely Corona crimes against humanity,” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz.

Recent attempts to discredit Herbert Kickl have also failed resoundingly or have been given the lie. The so-called Russia espionage affair in the BVT, for example, is a massive blow to the ÖVP’s head. “Egisto Ott was sent up the career ladder under ÖVP interior ministers and has reached the zenith of his alleged spying activities under ÖVP interior ministers Mikl-Leitner and Sobotka. In November 2017 he was suspended by BVT boss Gridling on suspicion of espionage, but was not monitored and his career continued under the ÖVP leadership. So where it says Egisto Ott, 98 percent of it has ÖVP in it,” said Schnedlitz.

Herbert Kickl simply did not take part in the ÖVP system – not even as interior minister and he rejected post-habbing requests for black favorites: “That was also the case with LH Mikl-Leitner’s request for Mr. Popp as the new Lower Austrian state police director, who loudly said Federal Chancellery did not fulfill the necessary requirement of a completed law degree. Herbert Kickl couldn’t be influenced, but Popp was appointed by ÖVP Interior Minister Nehammer in 2020! A similar case is that of Mr. Takacs, for whom the position of Federal Police Director was created specifically and one has to ask why he is so important for the ÖVP.”

And the Chancellor’s wife also did not receive a position in the Interior Ministry under Herbert Kickl. In this context, there is also a very clear contradiction in the dirty campaigning of the ÖVP spin doctors: “Firstly, it is quite absurd to present the case surrounding the job for today’s chancellor’s wife in ÖVP communications as an ‘offer of help’. So if someone doesn’t need help with communication, then it is undoubtedly Herbert Kickl and if he did, the ÖVP in particular would not have helped him. And secondly, this is exactly what exposes the ÖVP’s new spin – after everything else has failed – as completely absurd. Because the ÖVP has been trying to portray Herbert Kickl personally as an inhuman, as evil, for some time now. There is now what feels like the tenth ÖVP story, starting with the ‘swearer’ in the Corona period, with blood on his hands, to the alleged ‘security risk’ – they haven’t brought any of this to the ground. Now the time factor is increasing the ÖVP’s panic due to the approaching National Council elections, which means that the ÖVP is no longer even afraid to try the spin ‘Herbert Kickl is a bad person’,” explained Schnedlitz.

“In the press hour at the beginning of March 2024, for example, today’s ÖVP minister and former state secretary Edtstadler even said in the worst Silberstein manner that Herbert Kickl was really bad and had a ‘problem with women’. So I would like to ask all men a very simple question: If this were true, would you want your wife to work for someone who is ‘oh so bad’? And a question for women: Would any woman want to work for someone who is supposedly so ‘evil’? The answer in both cases is undoubtedly: no. And that means the truth is at the table, because the ÖVP itself confirms through this simple Nehammer cause that the narrative ‘Kickl is so bad’ is actually not true at all and therefore collapses. In addition, Ms. Nehammer certainly had a well-paid job at the time, namely with ÖVP parliamentary president Sobotka. So the question that arises is: Why did she want to get away from Wolfgang Sobotka?”

Herbert Kickl committed the “political deadly sin” for the ÖVP and the system with the start of his “People’s Chancellor Movement”: “You can’t buy a Herbert Kickl and because you have nothing against him, the system can’t blackmail him either . He stands at the center of society; for Herbert Kickl, the people always come first, and only then does the Chancellor. He is not part of the system that serves the elites, he serves the Austrian population. This is the approach with which he clearly opposes the system and which the black-red-green-pink system parties therefore do not understand and are afraid of. Herbert Kickl does not do politics for himself, but his clear goal is to do politics for the people. And the black-red-green-pink system will be in the political dock of voters in Austria in the fall,” said Schnedlitz.

For FPÖ general secretary and U-committee parliamentary group leader NAbg. Christian Hafenecker witnessed this week how the ÖVP abused two of the most important bodies in the republic. “On the one hand, the National Security Council, where the ÖVP was only interested in attacking Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ, and on the other hand, the investigative committee, which the ÖVP does not use to clarify political responsibility, but abuses as a campaign platform,” said Hafenecker, for whom the ÖVP made a “declaration of democratic political bankruptcy” this week.

It is particularly shocking that the ÖVP no longer even shys away from falsifying evidence in the investigative committee. “On Thursday, the ÖVP presented, in all seriousness, an edited newspaper article that was intended to hold Herbert Kickl responsible for the fact that an advertisement placed via Google appeared on a platform on which child pornography content was also said to have been distributed. The article submitted was manipulated in that the part of the original article from the ‘Standard’, which stated that the BMI was not to blame for this, was simply omitted and only the supposedly incriminating part was submitted. In contrast, we will file a complaint on the suspicion of the criminal offense of falsifying evidence according to Section 293 of the Criminal Code!”, said the liberal Secretary General and described the ominous organizational chart of a supposed new secret service in which the main espionage suspect Ott was supposed to play a role , another similar case: “This organizational chart is not included in the files and was not presented by the ÖVP this week – probably because Hanger and Co. drew it themselves!”

According to Hafenecker, not all ÖVP MPs agreed with these methods of their group in the investigative committee: “Last week I also learned from this circle that Falter editor-in-chief Klenk sent private documents to the ÖVP and the three other factions in connection with a Advertising agency is said to have distributed which were intended to attack Herbert Kickl with untrue allegations, but which had already been investigated in a lengthy investigation against third parties – at no time against Kickl himself – and were found to be untrue. The proceedings were legally discontinued.”

In any case, the Freedom Party succeeded in exposing a black system of post-trading in the Ministry of the Interior, which Herbert Kickl always successfully fended off during his time in office: “And because Herbert Kickl did not play along with this system of post-trading – the ÖVP believes that the Republic is a ‘self-service shop’ It was quickly clear to the ÖVP at the time: Herbert Kickl had to leave as Minister of the Interior because he wasn’t ‘handling’ the way people are used to in the black world.” Rather, Kickl was on the trail of many other atrocities in the Interior Ministry “This is full of political atomic bombs for the ÖVP” and the ÖVP would lash out “like a drowning man” out of fear.

The past week was also a boomerang for the ÖVP because, in addition to the job haggling, “black favoritism” was also uncovered. “On December 15, 2017, three days before the end of his term in office, ÖVP Interior Minister Sobotka quickly tendered an 800,000 euro framework contract for communications services to serve party-affiliated companies, which Herbert Kickl then successfully revoked, thus saving the taxpayers this sum. However, one of the two companies still got a chance, albeit a little less: it received a 40,000 euro order from ÖVP State Secretary Edtstadler, who coincidentally became the ÖVP’s top candidate in the EU elections a short time later. Another case is the medium ‘Kommunalnet’, which was heavily supplied with advertisements under Sobotka – interestingly enough, one of the managing directors there is Sobotka’s son. It is also striking that many companies commissioned placements in this medium that had a connection to the state of Lower Austria,” continued Hafenecker.

The ÖVP’s attempt to blame the FPÖ for the espionage scandal hit like a boomerang, since everyone knows that the architecture of the BVT – starting with Strasser – and the failure of BVT director Gridling made this possible in the first place that BVT had become a gateway for espionage under ÖVP departmental responsibility.

How the “deep state of the ÖVP” operates is particularly shown by the example of AG Fama, “a police security filter for the ÖVP staffed with hand-picked officials loyal to the ÖVP”: “This black ‘crime scene cleanup force’ only increased under ÖVP Interior Minister Nehammer in 2020 founded for one purpose: to ensure data and to see whether there are things in it that incriminate the ÖVP. This was also pointed out by a statement by ÖVP General Secretary Stocker in his press conference yesterday, in which he said that there were 2,500 evaluated chats from Hansjörg Jenewein. How does he know? The answer is probably: AG Fama.”

The ÖVP therefore acts with baseless insults against Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ because this “threatens the existence of their ‘deep state’”. “That’s why they want to prevent a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl by all possible means and we will act against this with full force in the interests of the population!” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA.

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