FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “EU election will be a red-white-red liberation strike against inflation, warmongering and eco-communism!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “EU election will be a red-white-red liberation strike against inflation, warmongering and eco-communism!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

First part of a “three-step” by the FPÖ alongside the population for a political change with a liberal People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl

Vienna (OTS) In his speech at the FPÖ’s EU election launch today, the liberal Secretary General NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz sees the EU election on June 9th as a “decisive election for a red-white-red liberation strike against inflation, warmongering, eco-communism, loss of sovereignty, paternalism and surveillance,” as the Brussels EU centralists around Commission President von der Leyen described it under “ “political contributions” of the black-green-red-pink unity party have expected of citizens in recent years. The EU is also “part of the problem and not the solution” when it comes to illegal mass immigration, which it does not stop but rather “continues unchecked and actually fuels through EU jurisprudence characterized by self-destructive tolerance and a perverted concept of solidarity”: “A ‘fortress Europe’s action against this ‘new migration’ is long overdue, but instead the EU nomenklatura would rather forcibly distribute illegal immigrants throughout Europe.”

“At the EU level it is no different than in our federal politics: a unified party has formed there too, a system that turns away from its own population and only serves to maintain its own power and the interests of self-proclaimed elites. Instead of doing everything to create peace as an alleged ‘peace project’ in the condemnable war in Ukraine, billions upon billions of taxpayers’ money are being pumped into arms deliveries to the Zelensky regime and are dangerously escalating with warmongering rhetoric and even the possible deployment of ground troops turned. Added to this is the destruction of our own economy by a sanctions regime that does not end the war, but instead drives our own population into poverty and destroys the hard-earned prosperity. This has to end because this whole madness is neither compatible with our neutrality nor in the interests of the citizens!” criticized Schnedlitz.

The liberal Secretary General also took issue with the “European Green Deal”, which would introduce “eco-communism that is anti-freedom and anti-prosperity” under the guise of climate protection. “The combustion engine should be banned, driving should be made unaffordable through ever higher CO2 taxes and people should be forced to switch to expensive electric cars. The goal is to restrict individual mobility. Homeowners are threatened with an obligation to renovate towards ‘climate neutrality’, which hardly anyone can afford, and are actually threatened with expropriation if they do not meet the energy classes specified by the planned economy. These are just a few examples of how the von der Leyens and Co. want to introduce eco-communism and thereby sacrifice our freedom, our economy and our prosperity on the altar of climate madness. The system parties ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS have long since positioned themselves as willing accomplices behind all this EU madness, in contrast to us libertarians: We want to press the red-white-red stop button against this climate madness!”, said Schnedlitz, who in freedom of citizens is the “number one enemy of the EU elites”: “With their salami tactics to abolish cash, which is ultimately to be replaced by the controllable digital euro, through censorship laws such as the ‘Digital Services Act’ or the so-called ‘ With the EU Media Freedom Act, which restricts freedom of expression and media freedom under the pretext of fighting alleged disinformation, the Brussels establishment has long since shown its true, anti-citizen face. And the black-red-green-pink system in Austria is joining in and fighting the Freedom Party and especially our federal party leader Herbert Kickl with all means possible, no matter how disgusting, disgusting and intrusive they may be. Because he is not part of a system of power retention, power intoxication and abuse of power against the interests of his own citizens and stands for a positive change for the better for Austria – just like Harald Vilimsky and his team in the EU. We serve our own citizens – the black-red-green-pink system only serves itself and the EU elites. That’s the big difference, that’s what sets us apart from all other parties in Austria!”

On June 9th, the FPÖ with Harald Vilimsky was the only party to stand for “the political change in Brussels: away from the elite and self-obsessed EU centralists with their madness, towards an EU policy that only focuses on its own population looks”. The EU election is therefore, as FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl emphasized in his speech on May 1st, the first part of a “three-step”. “First the EU election, then the National Council election and then a liberal People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl: These are the three crucial milestones with which we libertarians want to initiate the red-white-red turnaround closely alongside the Austrians and only for them. That is the decision that the Austrians are faced with this year: continue as before with a system for which our homeland and the well-being of our own people count for nothing, or a change for the better, towards a life as it once was: a Life in which you – even as a family – were able to build something up with hard work and whoever got into trouble could rely on the social system or, in old age, on the pension system or on the health system or on the fact that our children get a good education – even without private schools. All of this existed before the Black-Green-Red party turned our homeland into a world social welfare office or world education office for the ‘new migration of peoples’. Together with our own people, we freedom people will make our homeland a place of prosperity, security, freedom and neutrality again!” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Michael Schnedlitz.

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