FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “Complete failure by ÖVP Interior Minister Karner regarding danger at Taylor Swift concerts!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “Complete failure by ÖVP Interior Minister Karner regarding danger at Taylor Swift concerts!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“In the last few minutes, countless perplexed parents and people who want to attend the Taylor Swift concerts have contacted us asking what it all means and are desperately searching internet forums and news sites for useful information on how to deal with this situation should. Many are also wondering whether there are other suspects at large. Despite all understanding of the tactical investigative needs, it is the task of the responsible security authorities and also the Interior Minister to provide a clear basis for decision-making for each individual. Because security comes from clarity, but ÖVP Interior Minister Karner managed it within a few hours, instead of creating clarity, creating even more ambiguity and chaos!”, explained FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz after the press conference on Islamist terrorist attack plans, at which the arrest of two suspects in Ternitz and Vienna was announced by the General Director for Public Security Ruf and the Vienna State Police President Pürstl.

All of this fits into the “picture of the ÖVP’s complete failure”, since the second highest terror alert level in the country has been in effect for a long time: “After this press conference, concert visitors are left completely in the dark about how high the risk of an Islamist attack is now actually is and how they should behave. Thousands of human lives are at stake here, every single person affected deserves information! The ÖVP Interior Minister must not leave the tens of thousands of those affected in the dark for a minute longer! The meaningful message ‘Something could always happen’ is not enough and at the same time absolutely shameful. An interior minister like that is no longer acceptable!”

The danger that radical Islamists pose to our population did not fall from heaven, but is a direct consequence of the decades-long policy of open borders for illegal immigrants, which the ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and NEOS have imposed on the Austrians, and which has existed until today. “At the same time, parallel and counter-societies are forming unhindered in which our democracy, our values, our rules and our way of life are simply rejected. For the safety of our population, a complete paradigm shift in migration and asylum policy is needed and politicians must make it clear that such people have no place here! Karner and his predecessor as ÖVP Interior Minister Nehammer have allowed illegal mass immigration to enter our country unchecked in recent years, instead of doing what the population would have expected of them – namely putting a stop to this ‘new migration of peoples’!”


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