FPÖ – Schnedlitz calls for “Fortress Austria” and a ban on political Islam | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“A law banning political Islam will put a stop to Islamist counter-societies. The message of such a law is simple and unmistakable: There is no place in Austria for supporters of the caliphate and sharia, or for Islamist activities! However, the ÖVP, SPÖ and the Greens have repeatedly refused to send this clear signal of strength, courage and defensiveness in the interests of their own people. Under a liberal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, not only will a law banning political Islam be implemented, but with the ‘Fortress Austria’ and the measures it contains, the ‘new migration of peoples’ from culturally alien countries will also come to an end – we can do that Promise Austrians today,” emphasized FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today. Michael Schnedlitz.

In any case, the rise of Islamist counter-societies is attributable to an inactive ÖVP – just like the illegal mass immigration under the guise of asylum, along with the negative consequences for security, social peace, the health, social and educational systems, etc. The calculation for this leaves no room for it Black-green-red-pink system pays its own population – and in many ways. Schnedlitz also recalled the so-called “coalition-free space”, which the ÖVP could have used several times to decide, for example, on the “Fortress Austria” with its 23 measures together with the FPÖ. “But she didn’t. So who is supposed to believe that the ÖVP, which now has 37.5 percent of votes and won’t budge to protect the population from illegal mass immigration and Islamist counter-societies, can do this together with their left-wing EU elite-serving ideal partners SPÖ and NEOS or Greens would do. Nobody!” says Schnedlitz.

“Insults, throwing smoke grenades and dirt buckets, PR shows and the constant escape from responsibility: If these disciplines were allowed at the Olympic Games, the Nehammers, Karners, Edtstadlers, Stockers etc. would be at the top of the podium, but that was it already. “With the Freedom Party as number 1 in a government and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, there will be an end to the ignorance of the interests, concerns and needs of our own population and, above all, the false tolerance towards Islamists and the abuse of the asylum system,” said the FPÖ General Secretary , who announced that the Freedom Party would also put the black-green-red-pink system to the acid test in the National Council in September.


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