FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “A vote for the ÖVP is a vote for new taxes and further burdens” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Schnedlitz: “A vote for the ÖVP is a vote for new taxes and further burdens” | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“The party that has distributed tens of billions of euros to non-Austrians, pharmaceutical companies, the EU and the like in the last few years without any measure or goal and has driven our country to the brink of the abyss, wants to make it credible that it would not take the Austrians with it new taxes and further burdens. Anyone who believes it will be blessed,” said FPÖ General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz about the counter-financing of the ÖVP’s “Austria Plan”.

There will only be real relief for “the hard-working people in the country” as well as an economic boost with a federal government led by the FPÖ and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl. Schnedlitz also called on the ÖVP to “finally be honest”: “A vote for the ÖVP is a vote for new taxes and further burdens for everyone and in all areas, while those who don’t contribute anything to the big picture continue to live in the social hammock. After the ÖVP, according to increasingly louder rumors, has chosen the future government with the SPÖ and NEOS before the election and bypassing what the voters will choose on September 29th, purely to maintain power, it is clear that their policies are to their detriment of the hard-working population. Therefore, the People’s Party should simply save itself from this smear comedy and be honest for a change.”

Only the FPÖ would want to relieve the Austrians again, according to the Freedom Party: “No new taxes and the abolition of crazy compulsory taxes such as the ORF compulsory levy or the CO2 tax – the burden madness can be stopped, with one vote for Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ!”


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