FPÖ – Ragger: “We are building an inclusive society for all Austrians!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

While the black-green federal government celebrates its inability on Inclusion Day, the FPÖ fights decisively every day for equal opportunities and self-determination for all Austrians

Vienna (OTS) “No one should be excluded from public life! But the black-green government still in office continues to ignore its obligations towards people with disabilities and fails to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We’ve had enough of empty promises. The federal government has missed its chance to act; after the election, other forces will take responsibility. The FPÖ is ready for a policy in which citizens come first!” promised FPÖ disability spokesman NAbg. Christian Ragger on the occasion of tomorrow’s day of inclusion.

Ragger emphasized: “We particularly support women with disabilities, who often experience multiple disadvantages. It is a disgrace for a modern society that these women not only do completely poorly in terms of educational opportunities and access to paid work, but also have to fear to a great extent for their sexual self-determination. The governing Greens have failed here and made completely wrong policies. Instead of taking care of the needs of people with disabilities and promoting inclusion, redistribution was primarily given to the migrant society!”

“We have to get to the root of the causes of the failure of Austria’s disability policy,” said Ragger. “The problem lies in the nine different state laws with their own funding guidelines for benefits. A big problem is the absolute inequality in the education sector, as personal assistance, for example, is not offered equally at every location. It cannot be the case that where you live decides inclusion and educational opportunities. We want uniform legislation throughout Austria and less bureaucracy. Everyone affected must receive low-threshold care and the support they need,” explained Ragger.

The key to the success of inclusion is education and “wages instead of pocket money”. Ragger says: “It is time to break down exploitative structures of day structures and workshops and to guarantee real working relationships. The FPÖ is fighting for adequate pay and social security so that everyone “People can really live independently and are not dependent on these structures in which vacation, sick leave and pensions are not a given,” says Ragger.

“Of course that also costs money,” said Ragger. “Therefore, an inclusion fund with 500 million euros annually must be set up to ensure personal assistance at school and at work. To this end, funds must also be made available to curb costs. Because it cannot be the case that people with disabilities and low incomes cannot afford rent, heat and energy because the additional needs, such as electricity for a wheelchair or a renovation in the bathroom, are expensive. We want a society in which everyone has the same rights!” said the liberal spokesman for the disabled.

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press-parliamentary club@fpoe.at

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