FPÖ – Ragger: ÖVP demotes people with disabilities to second-class people! | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Ragger: ÖVP demotes people with disabilities to second-class people!  |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

ÖVP disability policy only takes place on the People’s Party homepage ÖVP disability policy only takes place on the People’s Party homepage

Vienna (OTS) FPÖ disability spokesman NAbg. Christian Ragger used his speech in the National Council today to hold a mirror up to the ÖVP in the area of ​​disability policy. There is a big difference between reality and imagination, says Ragger: “On the ÖVP homepage it is written: ‘Wages instead of pocket money: implemented long ago!’ That makes me ask myself: Am I in the wrong committee or in the wrong parliament? Is the Green Social Minister Rauch a stirrup holder for the ÖVP’s propaganda? For five years, we Freedom People have been trying to integrate people with disabilities into the work process. The ÖVP only propagates this and does nothing. And that’s exactly why people come to us freedom people, because we are serious about the disabled area too!”

In recent years, the FPÖ has made several attempts to integrate people with disabilities into the work process – including during the joint time of the black-blue government. “The ÖVP simply doesn’t understand it. She doesn’t want to accept that people with disabilities shouldn’t be second-class citizens. All people must be equal. We live this policy, the ÖVP only propagates it on its homepage, but does nothing,” criticized FPÖ disability spokesman NAbg. Christian Ragger.

The FPÖ has agreed to the contents of the disability package. In the future, the Advisory Board for the Disabled should receive better financial support and also be staffed on a proportional basis. A photo ID card will also be introduced, which will make things much easier for people with disabilities.

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