FPÖ – Nepp: Wiederkehr has been failing on education and integration issues for four years
Vienna (OTS) –

“Vice Mayor Wiederkehr exposes himself as a total failure in Vienna’s education, immigration and integration policy. In a current interview he speaks of grievances that he supposedly wants to remedy, but fails to mention that he remained inactive as an education and integration city councilor for four years,” criticizes FPÖ Vienna boss Councilor Dominik Nepp sharply.

As our schools increasingly become playgrounds for failed integration and multicultural fantasies, Wiederkehr has neither taken assertive measures nor pushed forward substantive reforms.

“When 16-year-olds can no longer read the clock and 91 percent of the children in Favoritn elementary schools are Islamic, you have to ask yourself who is actually integrating whom here. Instead of taking responsibility, Wiederkehr hides behind nice words and empty promises, while the reality in schools gets worse every day.”

The dramatic figures, such as the high proportion of children with a lack of German language skills, are clear evidence of the failure of Wiederkehr at all levels. “To want to give good advice but not even take action within your own area of ​​responsibility is downright grotesque and makes it clear that returning is completely unsuitable,” affirms Nepp.

The conditions in Vienna are a direct result of uncontrolled mass immigration and the city government’s refusal to enforce clear rules. The constant influx of immigrants, including radicalized Islamists, not only makes integration more difficult, but also endangers peaceful coexistence in our city in the long term.

“We finally need clear consequences, not just nice speeches, especially when dealing with immigrants who are unwilling to integrate and radical immigrants and Islamists. The Vienna FPÖ will continue to campaign for social benefits to be paid exclusively to Austrians and for criminal migrants to be rigorously deported. We also stand for real reforms in the education system, such as German before school, in order to give our children the best opportunities,” concludes Nepp.


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