FPÖ – Nepp demands: finally deport underage violent criminals

Immigration and the payment of minimum income to non-Austrians must finally be stopped

Vienna (OTS) The Vienna FPÖ leader, Councilor Dominik, is demanding that ÖVP Interior Minister Karner finally rigorously deport violent immigrants, even if they are minors. “If Syrians, Afghans and other people who arrived illegally meet heavily armed and fight in the middle of Vienna, then the last doubt about the reason for the constantly increasing violence in Vienna will probably be dispelled.

Mayor Ludwig also finally has to realize that the high social welfare benefits that are paid out to every asylum seeker, asylum seeker and person entitled to subsidiary protection are attracting even more criminals, thugs, murderers and rapists to Vienna. This policy must finally come to an end! The security of the Viennese population is no longer guaranteed because the SPÖ, ÖVP, Greens and NEOS are still pursuing their multicultural dreams. Zero immigration, the cessation of minimum security payments to non-Austrians, an immediate end to family reunification and rapid deportations are the only viable way to finally ensure security in Vienna again!”

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