FPÖ-Nepp: Climate idiots disrupt healthy running

FPÖ-Nepp: Climate idiots disrupt healthy running

FPÖ Vienna demands consequences

Vienna (OTS) A scandalous incident occurred at the Vienna Marathon taking place today: a group of self-proclaimed “climate gluers” used this traditional sporting event to disrupt the event with their anti-social and extreme actions. The FPÖ Vienna leader Dominik Nepp strongly condemns this unscrupulous attempt to abuse the marathon as a stage for senseless political escalation.

“It is an absolute absurdity that these climate idiots are using the marathon, an event that enlivens the entire city and celebrates healthy running on the car-free streets, as a platform for their questionable protests. This shows once again the true face of the green extremists: anti-social, ruthless and focused on provocation at all costs,” said Nepp.

The FPÖ Vienna leader demands that such disruptive actions not only be publicly outlawed, but also prosecuted. “We finally need clear regulations and tough punishments for climate extremists who believe they have the right to endanger the safety and well-being of thousands. It must not be the case that the interests of a radical minority are placed above the general good,” demands Nepp.

The FPÖ Vienna stands for the security and order of the city and will continue to take vehement action against such extremist actions. “Our Vienna must not become a stage for such anti-social disruptive maneuvers,” emphasizes Nepp in conclusion.

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