FPÖ – Mahdalik: Disgraceful spectacle surrounding the Heumarkt project continues

FPÖ – Mahdalik: Disgraceful spectacle surrounding the Heumarkt project continues

Protecting Vienna’s UNESCO World Heritage status must be a priority

Vienna (OTS) “With the recently published decision-making basis for the UNESCO meeting, which confirms that Vienna remains on the “red list” of endangered World Heritage cities, the undignified spectacle surrounding the Heumarkt project continues. For over ten years, the Viennese SPÖ has been courting a real estate billionaire who is only looking to further enrich himself,” said the planning spokesman for the Viennese FPÖ LAbg. Toni Mahdalik, criticizing the latest developments regarding the hay market.

“In recent years, all of the key Viennese SPÖ politicians have acted like defenders of the billionaire project. Instead of properly involving the population and the opposition, they spread the developer’s plans through the media, insulting God and the world. The focus was on the financial interests of an individual investor instead of ensuring the integrity of Vienna’s historic center for future generations. Maintaining the World Heritage status must be the top priority and not the enrichment of a single investor,” demands Mahdalik.

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