FPÖ – Linder: Harassment and obstruction of firefighters must have consequences!  |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Volunteers are desperately needed and are deterred by such actions

Vienna (OTS) FPÖ volunteer spokesman NAbg was horrified today. Maximilian Linder on media reports that firefighters were said to have been harassed and harassed by young people while they were trying to put out the fire at an asylum center in Austria: “We have come a long way in our country to the point where emergency services need to be protected. while they volunteer and help in the service of good causes. What else has to happen before the left-wing unity party in our country finally realizes that we have a massive problem with the consequences of uncontrolled immigration?”

It is becoming increasingly difficult for volunteer fire departments to find members who are willing to help around the clock. “The number of women in the fire brigade increased slightly last year. With incidents like yesterday, I can understand women when they end their voluntary work again. It is unacceptable for female firefighters to be harassed while on duty. Anyone who commits such actions has no place in our country and should leave Austria as quickly as possible. Emergency services may not be hindered or harassed. Anyone who does that endangers human lives,” said FPÖ volunteer spokesman NAbg. Maximilian Linder, who, as mayor of the municipality of Afritz am See, is a member of the local volunteer fire department as the main firefighter.

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