FPÖ – Krauss: Ludwig’s hired gun Reindl tramples on democracy

FPÖ – Krauss: Ludwig’s hired gun Reindl tramples on democracy

The Viennese SPÖ urgently needs to return to the constitution

Vienna (OTS) “SPÖ local council chairman Reindl’s argument for a ban on the special meeting requested by the FPÖ cannot be surpassed in terms of absurdity. The fact is that Reindl ordered a report in the interests of the SPÖ in order to prevent a democratic discussion about the responsibility of SPÖ Mayor Ludwig for the currently escalating crime against asylum seekers. Ludwig’s hired gun Reindl tramples on democracy. The chairman of the local council is called upon to return to the constitutional sheet and to allow democratic debates in the local council even if they are not in the interests of the mayor’s party,” said the club chairman of the Vienna FPÖ Maximilian Krauss.

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