FPÖ – Krauss: Education levels in Vienna are falling due to excessive immigration

FPÖ – Krauss: Education levels in Vienna are falling due to excessive immigration

Family reunification must be stopped

Vienna (OTS) “If the teacher union Krebs is already warning about the collapse of the Vienna education system and is consistently emphasizing that family reunification is a massive problem, then Mayor Ludwig and City Councilor for Education Wiederkehr must finally initiate a U-turn,” demands education spokesman for the Vienna FPÖ club chairman Maximilian Krauss. According to Krebs, Syrian children in particular have poor or no literacy – neither in Arabic nor in German. “While Wiederkehr continues to dream of integration, sets up container classes and continues to invest money in pointless school projects, the education of Viennese children is suffering. Because many students cannot follow lessons due to a lack of German language skills, the level of education continues to decline. “In doing so, we are depriving our children of the chance for a successful future,” Krauss is convinced.

In addition, Krebs confirms what the FPÖ has been warning about for a long time: the excessive demands on teachers, who can hardly carry out their actual task of teaching students something. “Teachers and principals have been contacting us for months now, reporting intolerable conditions in Vienna’s schools. But their cries for help seem to go unheard, and instead the working conditions are becoming noticeably worse. Wiederkehr must now finally act and take the warnings and reports seriously,” said Krauss.

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