FPÖ – Kickl: “We want to be the tool for a new era in which the people are the boss!”

The FPÖ’s brilliant campaign launch for the National Council election on September 29th took place today in a hall full to capacity with around 3,000 visitors at the Messe Congress Graz. “It is a celebration of freedom, a celebration of patriotism and the initial spark for a change of course in this country: If you want, then we can renew Austria together!” said FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl to the enthusiastic audience right at the beginning of his speech Visitors and announced that “the red-white-red bow will be drawn together today” with which “the arrow will hit the bull’s eye on September 29th”.

Across the country, more and more people are coming to the side of the Freedom Party to work together to “turn things around towards normality and common sense”. “Yes, they say they want to make a contribution to the FPÖ with their vote for five good years – I warmly welcome them!” said Kickl, summing up the mood that people showed him at countless meetings throughout Austria. They have long since seen through the “lies and manipulations” of the system and will not be impressed for a second by “calls for a boycott or election from some celebrities”: “It is embarrassing for these busybodies in the service who allow themselves to be used as loudspeakers by the powerful! The Austrians don’t need any instructions, no supervised thinking and no supervised voting!”

People would also not allow themselves to be “taken for fools” by promises of the future made by those who had already had the power to make their lives safer, fairer and more affordable, but had not done so. “These people are now standing up and preaching stability – but they have taken the wrong direction. I would therefore like to ask ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer in particular: What have you done professionally in the last five years? Isn’t it your ÖVP that has occupied all key departments for 38 years? Do you now want to play the voters for a fool? But you will get the bill from the people on election day, that’s for sure!”

Shortly before the election, the other red-green-pink parts of the unified party would suddenly talk to the citizens, for example calling for more deportations. “In the same breath, that’s exactly why they point the finger at us libertarians and insult us as ‘enemies of democracy’ and ‘extremists’. This shows that they have not become smarter, they are just afraid of losing their power. Their new idea is a ‘firewall’ against us along the lines of ‘Losers of the unity party, rise above the will of the voters’ and they are already working to achieve this in the back rooms. All of this at the expense of the population, because behind their talk of ‘stability’ there is only continuing as before – and that is what our country needs the least! This firewall against the FPÖ is actually an anti-democratic firewall against the population,” said Kickl, who predicted the same fate for this firewall as the Berlin Wall. Because he loves our homeland so much, he will not allow the FPÖ to be kept from leadership because they want to prevent normality and common sense.

Likewise, he cannot come to terms with what the unity party and especially the ÖVP have done to this country and the people. “With every decision they made, they took the completely wrong direction. In 2015 they stood at the train station as an alliance of welcome clappers, we Freedom Party warned about the major security risk and were scolded for it – but we were right. It was the same with Corona and the sanctions with which they made our country a belligerent in an economic war, and it will be the same with destructive climate communism – what is currently happening with VW in Germany is a wave of the fence,” he counted FPÖ federal party chairman points out this “record of inability and dishonesty”, despite which the unity parties are now begging for the voters’ trust again and promising that everything will get better: “We freedom people have a different message. Every agreement has two sides: The unity party gave the people its word last time and therefore received a majority. She has broken this word several times – so you must never give her the vote again because she is too valuable for that!

The Freedom Party wants to usher in a new era with and for the population, “to write a new volume of Austrian history in which the citizens are the main actors and the politicians are the supporting actors”. “This will be an era of freedom, security, prosperity, justice, common sense, peace and, above all, respect for the people. Because Article One of our Federal Constitution says: ‘The law comes from the people’ and that is what, for me, makes a people’s chancellor – first the people, then the chancellor,” explained Kickl. When he hears from the media, so-called experts and other politicians that this and that cannot be implemented, that there are international treaties and there is no room for maneuver, then “in 99 percent of cases that means that the politician has what it takes or the courage to do it.” missing.

Kickl invited visitors to take a mental journey back in time to his childhood and youth: “It was a good time and probably no coincidence that it was the last decades before joining the EU. I say this because the Unity Party politicians are now always saying that it is not them but the crises around us that are to blame for making people worse off. But even then there were crises: the Cold War, two superpowers that were hostile to each other, the oil crisis, the war between Iraq and Iran. The big difference between today and back then is that our parents were able to live well with the money they earned, if they were thrifty and were even able to put something aside. Something else was different back then: it was safe, women and girls didn’t have to fear harassment in the outdoor pool. Everything was different in the schools too, the few immigrant children knew that they had to make an effort and integrate and it worked. Why was everything like that back then and so different today? The answer is logical: Because back then, normality and common sense were at the center of politics and there were real statesmen at work who only had one goal, namely that the population should be better off!”, explained the liberal federal party chairman.

“My vision is that one day in the distant future people will look back on the time with a liberal chancellor and also say: It was a good time, a time of security and justice, of confidence and optimism. That’s what I do politics for!” Kickl outlined his clear goal and, using the example of a person’s life, explained where the Freedom Party would ensure improvements.

“We need a child-friendly society, which is why young people in particular need relief because they need appropriate resources, especially when starting a career and starting a family. Once a child is born, it needs care – and we stand for real freedom of choice: more childcare places whose opening times are based on the parents’ working hours, but also a clear yes to childcare in the family. It is unbearable when mothers are ‘put down’ when they decide to spend the most important time with their child,” says Kickl. If the children then go to school, they should receive the best education: “And by that I mean reading, writing, arithmetic and no gender madness, gender confusion or drag queens!” If they are later eligible to vote, then these young people should not only have all five years, but their participation should be strengthened through more direct democracy in the form of the free popular initiative. “When choosing a career, apprenticeships must be made more attractive because these are the professions that we urgently need in our country. When young men join the armed forces, they must be sure that they are soldiers of a neutral state and are not being sent to other countries for the interests of any power. Young people also need affordable housing and the opportunity to own property. That’s also what the socialists don’t understand, namely that property means freedom and we want to protect this freedom – so clearly no to new taxes, no to inheritance and wealth taxes or the vacancy tax!” Kickl continued and emphasized that safe and good jobs as well as competitive companies are needed.

“We need a positive shift, that means strengthening companies, I’m committed to that! We also have to look at the employees, the top performers. According to our model, someone who works more will pay less taxes. That’s why relief is needed. But there are also people who want to perform but cannot, and then the duty of care must be borne. And I’m talking about the minimum income and I’m of the opinion that this should only be a privilege for citizens!” explained the FPÖ chairman. When your working life comes to an end, you go into your well-deserved pension, which you must be able to take up after 45 years – without any deductions. There should be a tax bonus for those who want to work from 60 to 65, and those who want to work beyond that should no longer have to pay taxes or contributions at all.

“Austria should have the best health and care system in Europe,” said Kickl about improvements in this important area. The money for this is there, but it’s being used incorrectly. Every politician must decide whether he is on the side of the patients, doctors, medical and nursing staff, or on the side of the black and red administrative functionaries. Just like health care, security is also a basic need: “For this we not only need more police officers, but also politicians who stand behind them. Of course we also need remigration; there are different options for this, the most expensive and complicated of which is deportation. I therefore say that it would be much better if these ‘new migrants’ no longer came to Austria! With a liberal People’s Chancellor we will no longer accept asylum applications, we will make Austria as an asylum location as uncomfortable as possible and stop the transition from asylum to citizenship.”

There is “an incredible amount to do for this country,” emphasized FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl, but what will make the difference is “the absolute will to win.” “It is the unconditional belief in one’s own power and strength, the turning towards one’s own people!” Kickl cited the story of the first ascent of Mount Everest without additional oxygen by Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler in 1978 as an example, as the published opinion at the time This was not considered feasible, but the population celebrated them as heroes of mountaineering. “Our ‘Mount Everest’ is September 29th. Together we have already conquered many ‘summits’ – we have broken the vaccination requirement and the Corona regime, we have celebrated historic successes in state elections that resulted in government participation, where the other parties had to change their positions due to the will of the voters, and we have things in common Reached first place in the EU elections! Let us be clear that our task goes far beyond the interests of each individual: We, the Freedom Party, are the tool for giving Austrians hope and a future and taking away their worries and needs. Together we are ushering in a new era in which the people are the boss!” promised FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl.

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