FPÖ – Kickl: “Togetherness and cohesion are more important than ever!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

The FPÖ will do everything to ensure that the “Austrian family” can live in peace, freedom and security

Vienna (OTS) FPÖ federal party chairman Club Chairman NAbg would like to express “hope and confidence”. Give Herbert Kickl to the “Austrian Family” at Christmas for the coming year. It is crucial that cohesion and commonality are maintained in the country. “All of us together are stronger today than ever. If we all stand together resolutely next year, our democracy will make us so defensive and strong that we can defeat the many threats, ignorance, paternalism and oppression. Then, with our strong strength, a very large Austrian family will grow out of our liberal family: a community in which everyone has the same concern: namely, to live in peace, freedom and security,” said Kickl in his video message today, which can be found below this link can be retrieved.

The FPÖ chairman also outlined which values ​​must be adhered to in this “Austrian family” so that coexistence is successful: “We need a family in which everyone values ​​our homeland, which preserves our culture and identity and in which we live together Solidarity and respect. A community that upholds values ​​such as fundamental rights, self-determination and freedom of expression.” With the power of freedom, Austria will become a country in which people can once again grow old in dignity with fair wages and fair pensions and in which children have a future again where the smallest and weakest are not forgotten. “We need a country that has control over its borders and where neutrality and sovereignty are not betrayed and smashed. A country in which it is not power that rules, but humanity,” said Kickl, who also made it clear that people who “supposedly seek protection from us are intruders, but who are actually fighting our free democracy and society, our security and threaten our peace and who want to incite us against each other and divide us with inhumane slogans” have no place in Austria.

But it is precisely these threats that are becoming greater every day, warned Herbert Kickl: “That is why we need a very strong liberal force so that our ‘Austrian family’ can live safely, freely and safely. It is also immensely important that we trust in our common sense, that we live our personal values ​​such as family, friends and charity, and that we do not lose our joy in life despite these difficult times. I would like to say to everyone who is lonely today on Christmas Eve and has doubts and fears, who has to bear a difficult fate: you are not alone. Each and every one of you is a very important part of our family. Because our community lives in the spirit of togetherness, cohesion and solidarity, which we want to make noticeable for everyone by paying attention to one another and standing up for one another.”

At the end of his message, FPÖ federal party leader Herbert Kickl thanked all those who cannot spend Christmas at home because they have to work to maintain operations on Christmas Eve and to be there for others. The emergency services, the police, employees in the catering industry, but above all the staff in the health and care sector, who have certainly not received the appreciation they deserve from the black-green government in recent years.

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