FPÖ – Kickl: “Only the FPÖ, in solidarity with the population, will ensure the necessary turnaround against the system!”

This year brings the directional decision between “business as usual” with the black-green-red-pink unity party or positive change with a liberal people’s chancellor

Linz (OTS) In the spirit of “First the people. Then the Chancellor” was the speech today by the FPÖ federal party chairman, club chairman NAbg. Herbert Kickl at the FPÖ’s traditional “May 1st Rally” at Linz’s Urfahraner Markt. Right from the start, Kickl called on the thousands of visitors in the festival tent, which was filled to capacity, to take “this excellent atmosphere and this confidence” with them and to spread it to the whole of Austria: “Because together we will take a ‘three step’ this year: first with the EU -Election, then in the National Council election and then with the People’s Chancellorship – then the situation will develop positively again for Austria!” Then “a blue whirlwind” will blow through the country, against which “the SPÖ’s railjet is the purest sleeping car” is: “But the Railjet fits well with the SPÖ because it runs on tracks that have already been laid out and gets its electricity from the overhead line. Politically that means: business as usual. But new solutions and new paths are needed for the gigantic mountain of problems that the black-green-red-pink unity party has left our country, and these are only available with the FPÖ!”

The FPÖ is now the only party that stands on the side of the Austrians, while they have been “betrayed, ripped off, suppressed and sold out” by the other parties. “The FPÖ is the only party that stands for an affordable life, affordable housing, affordable energy – and not just before elections. The FPÖ is also the only party that advocates a stop to this ‘new migration’, even for ‘remigration’ to protect our women and children. The FPÖ is the only party that stands for freedom, property and a self-confident, sovereign Austria that will not allow itself to be subjugated by any NATO or EU warmongers or driven into a health dictatorship by the WHO. We libertarians are the only ones who advocate neutrality and peace on the same wavelength as the Pope, we are the only ones who advocate environmental protection instead of climate communism and we are the party of real ‘normality’ instead of left-wing brainwashing including rainbow and gender madness. And last but not least, we are the only ones who stand for an honest, comprehensive examination and reparation of this Corona madness!” said Kickl, who countered this list with all those who would claim that the FPÖ is always against something: ” Protecting your own homeland, that is our program for Austria in summary!”

The initial situation in this election year is clear: on the one hand, the FPÖ is in solidarity with the population and, on the other hand, the system that has “declared itself to have no alternative”. “This system is actually weak and terrified of losing power and control. Because if the current polls are even somewhat correct, then the ÖVP would lose half of its National Council members, the position of National Council President and millions in party and club funding. In addition, there would be the loss of control over the Chancellery, the Interior Ministry or the Finance Ministry, where they cover up all possible grievances from their past with ‘iron plates’. But I promise you: We will remove these ‘iron plates’ and exhume all political ‘corpses’ from the cellar of the unity party!”

Precisely because of the fear of this loss of power, the system would now attack the FPÖ and try to mess it up just to harm it. “It goes so far that if election results do not suit the unified party, democracy no longer applies to them. If the FPÖ comes first, then they say that everyone else has won together. That would be like the other teams telling the winner of a soccer championship that they won because they scored more goals together. But elections are the heart of democracy and are there to determine which party has the greatest support from the voters, i.e. from the sovereign!” Kickl continued in reference to the recent statement by ÖVP National Council President Sobotka, for whom not The party with the most MPs would no longer automatically have to appoint the President of the National Council. The system has made him, Kickl, “public enemy number one”: “I am happy to accept this challenge as an ‘enemy of the state’ in the sense of ‘enemy of this system’, because that means nothing other than being the greatest friend and ally of one’s own population be! First the people, then the chancellor – that is also the idea behind the term people’s chancellor. But the system doesn’t want that, it wants to continue to be the center of attention!”

But being attacked, slandered and criminalized by the unity party is the price you have to pay if you really want to bring about positive change for the people. Anyone who does not pay this price and is therefore not attacked or excluded poses “no threat” to the system, is seen as “one of their own” and therefore cannot bring about any change. “Before I ever become part of the system, let myself be bent, broken or bought, I would rather go under, but with my head held high and a clear conscience, which no one from the united party can have!” said Kickl.

The FPÖ chairman also expressed his thanks and appreciation to all those who work on this holiday and “keep the country running”: “I take my hat off to these people. They are usually the ones who earn too little and receive too little appreciation from politicians. But we libertarians will also change that and recognize the hard-working and hard-working – ideally in the form of recognition, materially in the form of more money in our wallets!” There must be a clear difference again between people who perform and those who “don’t do anything, but still get it.” “I’m talking about the majority of these ‘migrant migrants’ who have made themselves comfortable in the minimum income system. 50 percent of all minimum security recipients are now foreigners and the majority of them are those entitled to asylum – i.e. people who are allowed to work but don’t! This is also a legacy of the unity party, and we, the Freedom Party, will take on the repair work! Because the whole thing costs billions at the expense of our own population, money that is then missing where it would be needed for our own citizens. “It has nothing to do with justice!” explained Kickl. The state allows itself to “dance on its face” and “also makes the music itself” because leftists in particular, with their false tolerance and in the sign of alleged progressiveness, portray these conditions as having no alternative.

All of this doesn’t go far enough for the socialists, with deportation bans, legal “escape routes”, climate change as a reason for escape, etc., the Babler-SPÖ would exacerbate the existing grievances and then want to “forcibly distribute” them throughout Austria, while the ÖVP in person of her Interior Minister Karner banning citizens from pocket knives. “Karner now allegedly wants to use the British Rwanda model as a model, but he is forgetting one thing: the British can only do this because they have maneuvered themselves out of the EU madness and have taken back control of their asylum system! “I don’t think Austria should leave the EU, but we should definitely put more pressure on Brussels,” said the FPÖ chairman.

Kickl also recalled the 1970s and 1980s, when, despite many crises in the world, people in Austria were able to create something for themselves through performance and thrift and build up modest wealth, such as owning their own home. “This was possible on the one hand because of hard work, thrift and the right foundation of values, but above all because of responsible politicians who only had one simple goal in their work: namely, that their own population would get better again the universe, not the whole world. And I want to be that kind of politician for my own people!” explained the liberal federal party chairman.

Anyone who works and pays taxes de facto gives this money to the state in the trust that it will handle it carefully: “And here too there is a big difference between the unity party and the FPÖ. For the unity party, ‘careful use of tax money’ means that it is spent on illegal immigrants, on the debts of other EU countries, on the NATO Sky Shield project and other nonsense, just not on its own population. And for us libertarians one thing is certain: Austria is not the World Labor Office, not the World Education Office, not the World Climate Rescue Office or the World Social Office – and certainly not a war financing agency, but always neutral!”

Kickl particularly criticized the SPÖ, which, as a “part of the unified party”, was not only responsible for the decline in our homeland and for the fact that people could no longer afford to live, but also for the “big one” with inheritance and wealth taxes Attack on the middle class: “Then they want to use the vacancy tax as a first step to expropriate people and endanger the economy and jobs with dubious working time models such as the 32-hour week. What the socialists offer as a program for Austria is actually a problem for Austria.” Justice must be restored by abolishing one injustice created by the unity party after another, which is what the FPÖ is fighting for.

According to Kickl, Austria is therefore faced with a directional decision in which there are only two options for voters: “Either things should continue as before – then you can vote for one of the unity parties, none of which will improve people’s living conditions. The second option, however, is the necessary path of change with the FPÖ in solidarity with our own population, with which we can create a new era for Austria together and build on the times when people were doing well. And that is only possible with an FPÖ in first place and a liberal People’s Chancellor!”

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