FPÖ – Kickl on severe weather: “My big thanks go to all those who have been working for countless hours!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Kickl on severe weather: “My big thanks go to all those who have been working for countless hours!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

Floods, heavy rain, snowfall in the mountains and squalls have had large parts of our country firmly in their grip for hours and have unfortunately already caused a lot of damage – in many regions of Austria the situation is even very dramatic. The emergency services continue to work tirelessly to cope with the effects of this extreme weather situation and to protect our population from the worst. “My big thanks go to all those who have been working for countless hours, almost to the limits of their endurance. They are traveling all over the country to prevent the worst from happening. They protect the lives of the population and secure their belongings as far as possible. As a community, we are all deeply indebted to them – these people do superhuman things in such dangerous missions,” said FPÖ federal party chairman NAbg today. Herbert Kickl, who expressed his thanks and his highest appreciation to the numerous volunteers as well as the fire brigade, rescue and police. “Thank you for this great selfless effort.”

“Especially in this prevailing extreme weather situation, it becomes clear once again how important the emergency service organizations are for our country and, above all, how enormously important the commitment of the many volunteers is. “The volunteer fire brigades, the armed forces and many volunteers always help with full commitment when difficult situations need to be mastered. This work is enormously valuable and cannot be valued highly enough,” emphasized Kickl.

“In precarious situations – like this one at the moment – we once again see the huge willingness to help within our society – Austrians always do excellently here. But may the very unusual and dangerous weather events predicted for the next few hours not occur with this concentrated force,” said the FPÖ federal party chairman.


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