FPÖ – Kickl congratulates strong Vorarlberg Freedomers to success in municipal elections
Vienna (OTS) –

“The free run on all levels continues in Vorarlberg. I congratulate Christof Bitschi and his national group on my heart on a great election success, ”said FPÖ federal party chairman club chairman NaBG today. Herbert Kickl The strong performance of the Vorarlberg Freedomers in today’s municipal elections.

The result is more evidence that the candidates of the FPÖ would also be credible and sustainable with their own population at the local level. “We can be really proud of these results in the communities. The hard, honest and citizen-close politics has paid off and will continue to advance us in the future, ”emphasized the FPÖ party chairman.

“Our reigning mayors Dieter Egger, Florian Küng and Andreas Dobler were impressively confirmed in their offices. We can now also book a new mayor in the Mittelberg municipality in the Kleinwalsertal with Joachim Fritz, to which 53 percent of the community gave their voice. With our participation in Feldkirch, Lustenau and in Nenzing, we have a lot of stitch elections, which we look forward to with great confidence, ”said Kickl.

“I would like to thank all voters for trust in the free renewal movement. The high gains and the trust of the population expressed in it are equally confirmed for the previous work at all political levels as well as an order to continue the clear free course in the upcoming period, ”concluded Kickl.

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