FPÖ – Kickl am Rieder Ash Wednesday: “2024 is the year of the decision between the unity party and the FPÖ on the side of the population!”

“This year’s elections are about the existence or non-existence of freedom, security, normality and prosperity.”

Ried im Innkreis (OTS) In the Rieder Jahnturnhalle, which was filled to capacity, FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl took a hard line against the black-green-red-pink unity party on political Ash Wednesday today and described 2024 as the “year of decision for the necessary political restart for Austria.” . “One or the other may have watched the self-hypnotic ÖVP group therapy in Wels a few weeks ago in this black panic room, where ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer reduced himself to a supporting actor at his own event. The decision in the election this year will not be between him and me, but rather a completely different one. On the one hand there is this unity party, this anti-Kickl alliance and on the other hand there is the sovereign, the people, as our constitution so beautifully says. This people is a patient and strong giant that only uses its strength when the bow is overstretched, even when a tipping point is reached – and the government will experience that this year, because the FPÖ is on the side of the people. The decision will be who sets the tone, the united party or the people? To be or not to be for freedom, security, normality, prosperity and free speech, that’s what this year’s elections are all about,” said Kickl, who stuck to his name “Alliance of Traitors” for the “Anti-Kickl Alliance”: “United opinion, A single party, a single list and a single candidacy, that would only be logical and honest for them. But they lack the courage for that. This cowardice is treacherous, because it is a key witness that we free people are right with our politics. If they could, they would probably like to push election day even further back, like Zelensky is doing in Ukraine.”

Anyone who is upset about the term “traitor” should call the presidential office, Kickl said, and ask the Federal President how he came to use the term “collaborators” for people who advocate peace negotiations in the Ukrainian war and thus an end to the senseless bloodshed would, come. You also have to ask yourself what Van der Bellen really means with his criticism of the “evil division” into “us” and “the others”: “Where was the Federal President when the people at the top of the state were in Corona? the ‘good us’ and the bad unvaccinated people were divided? Did he resist it? No, he took part and that’s why it’s hypocrisy when he today calls on other parties to moderate themselves!” The Federal President is also “forgetful” in other areas: “In a speech on the national holiday he once said that Austria’s success story is with written in the ink of neutrality. Today he acts as the same ‘neutrality killer’ as many others who want to maneuver our country into NATO without consulting the population. And he also forgot that he was once proud of his Russian roots during a state visit by the Russian President and that he still said in 2019 that Russian gas was cheaper than LNG gas from the USA. The Federal President also tends to forget that, according to the principle of equality, votes for the FPÖ are no less valuable than votes for other parties.”

The liberal federal party chairman also welcomed the “grandmas against the right” as “campaign helpers of the unity party in front of the hall” and those “in the hall”, which meant some representatives of the mainstream media who were described as “pacemakers, oxygen tents, defibrillators and walkers “Unified party at the same time”, which he also gave common definitions of political Ash Wednesday, including as “hearty political food”. “This political Ash Wednesday has a long tradition in this form and traditions are important to us,” said Kickl, who also recalled legendary speeches by Jörg Haider and his reckoning with a former SPD Chancellor: “That man was Gerhard Schröder, but opposite Those who are at the top in Germany today were a real ‘capazunder’.” Austria couldn’t be indifferent to what was happening there, since “a broken and run-down Germany would drag us all, all of Europe down with it”: “And “Especially not because we also want to establish what is responsible for it there: a traffic light. It will therefore need a strong AfD and a strong Alice Weidel so that Germany can get back on its feet!”

Kickl also recalled how often Jörg Haider had been defamed at the time as “right-wing extremist”, “forever yesterday” or with other terms: “In truth, he was something completely different: namely, way ahead of his time. Because he was right and the others were wrong, he was beaten with this ‘club’. And today it’s all the same: we libertarians are right and the unity party is wrong! That was the case with Corona, with inflation, with the Russia sanctions or with the gradual abolition of cash or the Ukraine billions.” But this shot backfires because, in contrast to the unity party, the population is still “healthy “Common sense”. “It protects people from manipulation, which is why this common sense ended up on the ‘list of dangerous terms’. Anyone who refers to him is suspicious, dangerous and right-wing extremist. Just like when you use the word ‘normal’, as left-wing intellectuals always explain to us, ‘left’ and ‘intellectual’ don’t actually go together, just as the ÖVP and credibility, the peace project and the EU or Nehammer and the Federal Chancellor don’t go together,” said the liberal Federal party chairman continues.

Love of homeland, protection of one’s own cultural identity and the demand for secure borders would have to serve as “indicators of right-wing extremist attitudes”. “The same goes for the term ‘remigration’. But that is a trump card and there is no objection to it, just as there is no objection to criticism of EU centralism or the statement that a father must be male and a mother must be female. The fact that everything is branded as ‘suspicious’, ‘dangerous’ and ‘right-wing extremist’ is called framing, with the aim of putting the opponent in a box in which he can move as little as possible. But if you think about it, there is hardly anything sensible or normal left for the unified party; it ‘casts’ itself when it excludes us!” A “prime example of this tragedy” is “still-Chancellor” Nehammer, the right-wing extremist everywhere and you no longer know whether he is at a political event or suffering the “next panic attack”. With everything the ÖVP promises, you always have to assume the opposite, because in the end this is true: “When they say ‘no compulsory vaccination’, it comes like the amen in a prayer, when they promise to leave when Kurz is no longer chancellor is, they are even more glued to their seats and when the ÖVP says that the asylum brake is working, then the numbers are actually shooting through the roof. If the ÖVP thinks that I am right-wing extremist, then that actually means that I am right at the center of our population and therefore our democracy!” Furthermore, the ÖVP is everywhere from gender to the rainbow cult and has long since embraced “eco-communism , a centrally planned economy under the guise of climate protection that is ruining our economy and our prosperity.”

Despite all hostilities, it must always be clear that a strong and self-confident FPÖ would never be praised or appreciated by the other parties, as they would then be on “red alert at the feeding trough”. “We are not a ‘cheap Jacob’ of the system of this united party, but rather the challenger and overcomer on the side of the population. For us it’s about breaking up the structures and putting the citizens back at the center of politics – that’s what the term People’s Chancellor means!” said Kickl, who also criticized the SPÖ: “The SPÖ has one thing in front of them Looking for a new ‘savior’ for the year, but Babler is just ‘more of the same’, not a ‘revolutionary’, but a nerd who adheres to the Vranitzky doctrine to the letter and he has also brought something together that was previously considered impossible: Namely, to burn up without any political residue before it has even burned!”

According to current forecasts, any coalition without the FPÖ after the election would be a coalition of losers. “It is not democratic and that is why we accept the challenge. The unity party has provided enough good reasons to vote for the FPÖ in recent years. One should therefore particularly think about which ÖVP ministers and top officials have now said that they would not be available to an FPÖ-led federal government with a Chancellor Kickl. That means they actually want to continue, they want to be there again in any other coalition constellation – and you can’t do that to the Austrians!

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