FPÖ – Kassegger: “Profit skimming is a black-green ‘PR sham’ from which only the ÖVP finance minister benefits!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Only a massive reduction in consumption taxes on energy and an exit from the merit order will bring lasting relief in energy prices for citizens and entrepreneurs

Vienna (OTS) “The citizens plagued by high prices have nothing to gain from this black-green profit skimming – the only beneficiary is the ÖVP finance minister, who can look forward to generous additional income at their expense. This is government cynicism in its purest form,” said FPÖ energy and economics spokesman NAbg reacted today. Dr. Axel Kassegger responded to the federal government’s announcement that it wanted to extend the profit skimming of energy companies and asked himself: “What actually prevents energy suppliers, most of which are publicly owned, from lowering their prices? Because in the end only household customers and companies are ripped off and billions in profits are written on their backs, some of which then go to the ÖVP finance minister via additional taxes such as this profit skimming.”

Only a massive reduction in consumption taxes on energy, even to the point of completely suspending them, the abolition of the CO2 tax without replacement, an end to the “knee-jerk sanctions” and an exit from the price-driving merit order principle, as the Freedom Party has long demanded will sustainably reduce the extremely high energy prices and thus relieve the burden on citizens and companies. “The black-green coalition caused the energy price explosion and thus a main driver of the extremely high inflation in the first place through completely wrong political decisions, from the EU’s support of the sanctions regime to the eco-communist climate hysteria. Apart from distributing alms, Nehammer, Kogler and Co have not lifted a finger to provide real relief!” said Kassegger, who emphasized the need for a political change with an FPÖ-led federal government.

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