FPÖ – Kassegger on Wifo/IHS economic forecast: “Black-green incompetence deprives Austria’s economy of any security” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Kassegger on Wifo/IHS economic forecast: “Black-green incompetence deprives Austria’s economy of any security” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“FPÖ package of measures to stimulate the domestic economy – government policy endangers the economy and its competitiveness”

Vienna (OTS) “The black-green incompetence deprives Austria’s economy of any security and this inefficient action by Nehammer, Kogler, Kocher and Co. continues to bring bleak prospects for our country. The government completely missed this predictable development,” said FPÖ economics spokesman NAbg today. Axel Kassegger on the current Wifo/IHS economic forecast, according to which there will be only low growth in 2024.

“This black-green government bears full responsibility for the steady decline of our economy that has been going on for a long time, because this coalition is unable to take economic policy measures with far-sightedness in order to stabilize the economy again in the long term, to make it competitive, and thus for the necessary planning is possible again for companies,” explained Kassegger and continued: “In addition to the many private households who can hardly afford the high prices anymore, this government’s negligent policy also endangers the Austrian economy and its competitiveness. The completely misguided black-green energy policy, which subordinates everything to climate protection and leaves the economy completely out in the cold and, on top of that, uses bureaucratic monsters to prevent people from concentrating on the essentials, also contributes to the negative development. Cost pressure and the resulting productivity losses are the result of this misguided policy by the ÖVP and the Greens.”

“We presented to the public a long time ago a package of measures to stimulate the domestic economy, industry and especially the construction industry, which would put the economic development of our country and companies on a positive path away from this continuous downward spiral. For example, we are calling for the provision of public budget funds for infrastructure investments, broadband, road and housing construction, as well as the expansion of public transport, a noticeable relaxation of the credit institutions real estate financing measures regulation (KIM-VO) issued by the FMA, an immediate and… the final abolition of the CO2 ‘penalty tax’ or the lifting of all sanctions against Russia,” said the FPÖ economics spokesman.

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