FPÖ – Kassegger on IV economic barometer: “ÖVP and the Greens bear full responsibility for the massive downturn in our economy” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“This black-green government bears full responsibility for this massive downturn in our economy. Over the last five years, the ÖVP and the Greens have simply not been able to take future-oriented measures that support the economy so that it could be stabilized in the long term and made competitive again,” said FPÖ economics spokesman NAbg today. Axel Kassegger on the results of the IV economic barometer.

“It is precisely this permanent uncertainty and lack of planning that puts a strain on Austrian companies, as do the still very high energy costs, which are driving price increases, and this means that inflation in our country will remain above the Eurozone for a long time. The ÖVP and the Greens prevented the decision to extend the electricity price equalization law for 2022 in parliament. However, an extension of these subsidies would massively support industry and especially the energy-intensive industry. Electricity price compensation is an effective measure that strengthens Austria as a location, but this government doesn’t seem to be interested in that,” emphasized the FPÖ economics spokesman.

“In Austria, productivity is also declining because small and medium-sized businesses are virtually drowning in bureaucracy. This ‘unproductive bureaucracy’ causes high costs because, among other things, payroll accounting is becoming increasingly complex. Notification and reporting obligations and over-regulation also place a massive burden on companies. The around 7,000 company bankruptcies in Austria forecast for 2024 also confirm this negative development in our economic sector, which is also the fault of the black and green parties,” said Kassegger and continued: “In contrast to this black and green anti-business government, we have already had more than two “In the last few years we have presented to the public a package of measures to stimulate the local economy, industry and especially the construction industry, which would move the economic development of our country and companies away from this continuous downward spiral and onto a positive path.”

“For these reasons, Austrians must be guaranteed a life of prosperity and social security again. Only an FPÖ-led federal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl can take such a necessary path,” said Kassegger.


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