FPÖ – Hauser: “WHO interventions in health averted for the time being – We remain vigilant!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Pandemic contract and changes to health guidelines cannot be decided in accordance with the statutes

Vienna (OTS) Gerald Hauser, FPÖ National Council member and FPÖ candidate for the EU election, today viewed the fact that the plans planned by the World Health Organization (WHO) apparently cannot be implemented at the World Assembly that ends today as a success: “In Article 55 of the WHO The statutes clearly state that all proposed changes must be submitted to members at least four months before the health meeting. The planned change to international health regulations cannot therefore be decided at this world assembly because it was still being debated until April. And no draft could be drawn up in advance for the WHO pandemic treaty that would suit all members.”

The FPÖ has expressed serious concerns about the WHO plans from the beginning and has always rejected them – and nothing will change. “With the pandemic treaty and the new adapted health regulations, the nation states would have handed over the competencies in the health sector to the WHO. In a new pandemic case, which the WHO could then have decided on its own, the WHO alone would be authorized to take the appropriate steps – from lockdowns to compulsory vaccination. This must not happen,” said Hauser, who also criticized the black-green federal government in this context: “There has been an FPÖ motion in the committee since July 2023 die The Federal Government is called upon to expressly state that human dignity is inviolable and that human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals may not be abrogated by our government or other institutions. The motion has been postponed by the governing parties until today.”

Even if the immediate danger to people from WHO attacks has currently been averted – FPÖ-NAbg. Gerald Hauser will remain vigilant: “People know best about their bodies. Any attempt to undermine this basic right to physical integrity must be stopped!”

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