FPÖ – Hafenecker to Nehammer: “You and the ÖVP are the cause of the problem, a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ are the problem solvers!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker to Nehammer: “You and the ÖVP are the cause of the problem, a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ are the problem solvers!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today criticized it as a “brazenly staged theater of mockery of citizens”. Christian Hafenecker, MA, the ÖVP election campaign start and the speech by Chancellor Nehammer, who “probably not even the last contingent of ÖVP officials who were forced to cheer Persians would believe a single syllable”: “It is certainly not by chance that the ÖVP has the jokes – Regular table professional Harry Prünster hired as moderator.”

When Nehammer talks about how he and his party “solve problems” and thereby differentiate themselves from the others, one can only see it as a “total denial of reality”: “The worst chancellor of all time is a cause of problems, performance, family and Security is a foreign word for him. Because he and his ÖVP stand for an unprecedented destruction of wealth, extreme price increases and record inflation, the destruction of our business location, citizen rip-offs and climate communism with CO2 tax, ORF compulsory tax and the like, for illegal mass immigration, increasing Islamist terror threat and insecurity. Anyone who presents himself as Chancellor with this catastrophic record and tells the people whose lives he has made worse with his black-green accomplices that everything will get better if they just re-elect him lacks any credibility, any decency he disqualifies himself for this office!”, Hafenecker contrasted “Nehammer’s hollow phrases, ‘citizen deception’” with reality.

A positive turnaround for Austria is only possible with a federal government led by the FPÖ and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl. “This National Council election is a historic decision. Karl Nehammer led our homeland and its citizens from one crisis to the next, that is the path of the black-green-red-pink unity party. In contrast, Herbert Kickl and the Freedom Party have always stood by the people. The people also feel this, so on September 29th they will end the era of the worst chancellor of all time and set the course for five good years with the FPÖ and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl – so that freedom, security, prosperity, sovereignty and neutrality for the people population can be guaranteed again,” explained the FPÖ General Secretary.

On the other hand, if you vote for Nehammer and the ÖVP, you will get “even more politics against the interests of your own population, even more dismantling of sovereignty and betrayal of neutrality, even more illegal mass immigration and even more climate communism that drives up prices and damages the economy.” Nehammer’s “desired coalition of losers” would mean nothing else: “An ‘Austroampel’ with the ÖVP, the Marxist Babler-SPÖ and another left-wing party, be it NEOS or the Greens, would finally drive Austria to the wall and the end of all bourgeois Politics mean – the Federal Republic of Germany is a warning example!”


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