FPÖ – Hafenecker: “The only motivation for this car summit is the ÖVP’s disastrous poll results a week before the EU elections” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Nehammer’s productions are now inflationary and pure lip service without results”

Vienna (OTS) “By bringing the Greens into government, the ÖVP sacrificed the interests of the domestic automobile industry. It doesn’t help anymore if Nehammer wants to demonstrate his alleged love for the combustion engine with another show event. The only impetus for this car summit are the ÖVP’s disastrous poll results a week before the EU elections,” said FPÖ transport spokesman NAbg. Christian Hafenecker to the new car summit that ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer is inviting to the Federal Chancellery tomorrow. Nehammer’s productions are now inflationary and pure lip service without results – this has been shown by the Chancellor’s countless summits in recent months, said the Freedom Party.

Hafenecker described the ÖVP’s behavior on the issue of the combustion engine ban as brazen: “The ban from 2035 was decided in the EU and only the FPÖ voted against it. At the ÖVP, the head of the delegation, Karas, gave a clear yes to this measure and the ÖVP’s green coalition partner – led by the number one car hater, Minister Gewessler – is making no move to back away from this line. On the contrary: in the responsible EU Council of Transport Ministers, the Green Minister voted for the end of combustion engines.”

“The senseless ban on combustion engines must finally be taken off the table. Instead of constant PR productions, action is needed, but the ÖVP is obviously incapable of doing that and a ban cannot come quickly enough for the Greens anyway. Only a vote for the FPÖ is a vote against the combustion engine ban and for maintaining the competitiveness of our automotive industry!” said Hafenecker.

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