FPÖ – Hafenecker: “The limit has been crossed with an open call for murder against the FPÖ” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

At the end of his latest broadcast, a German state radio propagandist called for the “culling” of “Nazis” – “New dimension of system methods out of fear of our own population”

Vienna (OTS) After the self-proclaimed West German “satirist” Jan Böhmermann called on viewers to “cull” “Nazis” in the moderation of his program “ZDF Magazin Royale” on Friday evening, in which he defamed the FPÖ and AfD in the usual state radio manner. says FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA “clearly crossed a line”: “This is a blatant call to kill against politicians, officials and voters from the FPÖ and AfD, whom Böhmermann previously portrayed as ‘Nazis’ in his hate broadcast, completely forgetting history. Because ‘culling’ means nothing more than the precautionary killing of animals to prevent the spread of epidemics. The excuse that when he used the word ‘culling’ he meant another word for ‘self-satisfying’ can only be ruled out as a cheap protective claim simply because it doesn’t make sense.”

The fact that public broadcasting, which is financed through compulsory contributions, has long since degenerated into the “media propaganda organ of the political system” in Austria, as in Germany, is nothing new. “But this call to kill goes beyond all previous dimensions and must under no circumstances remain without consequences. Calls on state radio for the physical elimination of the opposition were previously only known from terrorist regimes,” said Hafenecker, who also asked himself: “Where is the outcry from Federal President Van der Bellen? Where are the condemning statements from the ÖVP, Greens, SPÖ and NEOS, who always accuse the FPÖ of hatred and incitement? Where is the Office for the Protection of the Constitution? Where are the outraged editorials and comments in the mainstream media, which are otherwise always quick to point the moral finger, see a ‘right-wing extremist’ lurking behind every patriot and act sourly concerned about democracy when people don’t feel that way in elections vote the way you like it? Is the reason for your deafening silence for a day and a half now that Böhmermann is one of the ‘good guys’?”

The fear of one’s own population, of democratic change and the associated loss of power is causing all dams to break in the political system of the unified party and the elites as well as their dependent media vicarious agents. “Because they obviously recognize that citizens have long since seen through their manipulative framing of extremism in a constant loop, all too often by resorting to outright ‘fake news’ including an array of one left-leaning ‘pseudo-expert’ after another, their nerves are completely on edge. The Böhmermann scandal is revealing proof of this. Because with that they have dropped the last mask, so that everyone can clearly see where hate and contempt for democracy really are at home!” Hafenecker continued.

However, the Freedom Party and the population would not be impressed by “such attempts at intimidation and threats from the state radio” on the way to the necessary political restart, quite the opposite: “The steadily increasing popularity of the people is due to the solidarity with their own population which the FPÖ and Herbert Kickl live in all areas. And that is exactly what the system parties, the elites and their helpers are afraid of, because they have worked for years against the interests of the citizens, against their prosperity, against their right to homeland and identity and will soon be paid for it in the elections. This solidarity with our own population is only becoming closer due to such ‘fear bites’ from the political-media elites and the basis for a red-white-red change with an FPÖ-led federal government with an People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl is becoming even stronger!

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