FPÖ – Hafenecker/Steger: EU fine of millions for Hungary is scandalous interference and kowtow to illegal mass immigration! | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker/Steger: EU fine of millions for Hungary is scandalous interference and kowtow to illegal mass immigration!  |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

EU elites rely on intimidation and discipline of unwelcome governments that put the interests of their own people above the EU agenda

Vienna (OTS) Yesterday the European Court of Justice imposed financial sanctions totaling 200 million euros against Hungary because of its restrictive asylum policy. “This is again an inadmissible interference in the national sovereignty of an EU member state. Instead of following Prime Minister Orbán’s government’s restrictive immigration policy as a model, the EU elites are relying on intimidation and blackmail with completely absurd jurisprudence. In reality, the Brussels establishment does not want to stop illegal mass immigration from all over the world, but simply manages it under false ideas of humanism,” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA, who is also chairman of the Austria-Hungary Parliamentary Group, sharply criticized this current ECJ ruling against Hungary.

According to Hafenecker, the EU elites have long since chosen Hungary and its government as enemy number one: “Because it does not fit their concept that the Hungarian government is declaring war on illegal mass immigration, the preservation of national identity is the highest priority and, with a view to the war in Ukraine, not participating in the irresponsible escalation screw. The centralists in Brussels are only interested in disciplining an unpopular government that puts the interests of its own people first. I would like to remind you that Austria also had a similarly painful experience in 2000 when EU sanctions were imposed.”

From the perspective of the liberal European spokesperson NAbg. Petra Steger, Hungary should “actually be thanked for its restrictive asylum policy” and supported in protecting the EU’s external borders: “Instead of mutual respect, however, for years there has been a hail of criticism from Brussels moralists who never miss an opportunity to point out a sovereign member state that… Brussels’ left-wing globalist agenda cannot simply be uncritically supported.” The imminent re-election of von der Leyen as EU Commission President creates further potential for conflict. “Under her, the EU Commission has impressively demonstrated its failure in the migration sector with ever new negative asylum records. It is therefore important to use all means possible to prevent this re-election, otherwise further conflicts with member states are inevitable. Instead, we need an EU Commission President who will finally ensure a ‘Fortress Europe’!” said Steger.

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