FPÖ – Hafenecker: ÖVP has enabled and promoted espionage scandal since 2000 |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Since Strasser, the Interior Ministry has been emphatically Russia-friendly – Suspected spies made their careers under the ÖVP leadership – BVT was as full of holes as Swiss cheese under “Breakfast Director” Gridling

Vienna (OTS) “The ÖVP’s Easter attempt to throw the bad eggs of the espionage scandal out of its own nest and foist it on the other parties corresponds to the usual ploy of the blacks, but is completely counterfactual,” said FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today. Christian Hafenecker. This also includes the attempt to drag the affair into the unconstitutional abuse of power investigation committee and to prolong this unworthy spectacle for this purpose. “On the first day, the ÖVP was informed by the procedural judge that the alleged Russian influence was not an issue for the U-Committee. Maybe it would be time for Stocker and Co. to read through their own U-Committee request, even if it causes physical pain due to the many errors and false allegations,” Hafenecker recommended.

“It is also typical of the ÖVP that the special unit ‘AG Fama’, set up in the BMI under the direction of the blackest of all black investigators, is now – according to its name – spreading rumors that are taken over by willing journalists without checking,” said the FPÖ -Secretary General continued. However, it is true – but AG Fama was founded precisely to cover this up – that the espionage scandal has its roots in the ÖVP-led Ministry of the Interior since the era of Ernst Strasser, starting in 2000.

The following background information can be easily researched:

  • Ernst Strasser himself was the first president of the Austrian-Russian Friendship Society.
  • He was followed by other people from the ÖVP universe, Ludwig Scharinger and Richard Schenz, until 2020.
  • Strasser was involved in a company called “EXPERT Managementberatung Russia GmbH” together with the long-standing Secretary General of the ÖRFG, Florian St..
  • The fugitive Wirecard board member and suspected Russian spy Jan Marsalek “Senator” was also in the ÖRFG and was their guest at a dinner in Moscow, where he sat side by side with the then Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka (ÖVP) in May 2017.
  • Strasser’s former head of cabinet, Christoph U., had well-paid business relationships with Wirecard.
  • Marsalek’s boss, Wirecard CEO Markus Braun, sat in the “think tank” headed by Kurz’s confidant Antonella Mei-Pochtler in the Federal Chancellery. Secret information could also have flowed from there towards Russia.
  • Marsalek’s alleged network in the BVT or the Ministry of the Interior consisted of people who all made their careers under the leadership of the ÖVP, including the former department head Martin Weiss.
  • The current main suspect, Egisto Ott, is an SPÖ member, but was also promoted under the ÖVP department leadership and sent up the career ladder. In 2006 – under ÖVP Interior Minister Liese Prokop – the BMI magazine “Public Security” dedicated an appreciative portrait to Ott that describes his current job as a liaison officer in Italy – a job that, as it is now said, he told his alleged Espionage activities are said to have benefited enormously.
  • The alleged espionage activities reached their peak under the long-time BVT director Peter Gridling, who was brought into this position by his Tyrolean compatriot Günther Platter (ÖVP) in 2008. The BVT itself – due to the catastrophic leadership of the “breakfast director” Gridling – was never in a position to take action against such influence, but was 100 percent dependent on tips from foreign services.
  • In addition, the BVT under Gridling was full of holes like Swiss cheese. An audit report by the unofficial secret service association “Berner Club” revealed massive deficiencies in cyber security, building security and in checking the activities of its own employees. In summary, the BVT was a paradise for enemy spies.

“So it was ÖVP politicians across the board and people selected by the ÖVP who – partly intentionally, partly through incompetence – made this espionage scandal possible. Knowing its own responsibility, the ‘AG Fama’ was founded solely for the purpose of ‘crime scene cleaning’. However, the traces are so clear and documented so often that they can no longer be erased,” said Hafenecker.

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