FPÖ – Hafenecker: “Our values ​​and positions are at the center of society!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker: “Our values ​​and positions are at the center of society!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Pseudo study” by “SOS Mittmensch” as another failed attempt to push the Freedom Party into the right corner

Vienna (OTS) With a “pseudo study”, which is apparently nothing more than a copying of ignored press releases from the last ten years, the left-wing NGO “SOS Mitmensch” is trying to place the FPÖ in the right-wing extremist corner and warn against it. FPÖ General Secretary and media spokesman NAbg. Christian Hafenecker: “The values ​​that we freedom advocates stand for are middle positions and are anchored in the middle of society. None of this is right-wing extremist. The forces that failed with their politics are now trying to brand the FPÖ as right-wing extremist. No sane person would describe love of one’s homeland, standing up for one’s own country or protecting Austria and its people from the fatal consequences of unbridled immigration as right-wing extremist.”

“All those left-wing forces in Austria whose politics are responsible for knife attacks, rapes, gang wars and murders are now, in their helplessness, branding patriotic forces as right-wing extremists in order to scare people. This fear is completely unfounded. Anyone who, like Herbert Kickl and the FPÖ, aligns their politics with the needs of the local population is at the center of society – even if that doesn’t suit left-wing fellows like ‘SOS Mitmensch’,” said Hafenecker, who also expressed regret in his role as a media spokesman , that some media have allowed themselves to be harnessed to the left-wing cart: “On the one hand, a politician like Ms. Schilling, who now had to admit another one of her lies to the notary, is defended – on the other hand, parties like the FPÖ are the left-wing hunting party delivered. This fits together well and shows how this system works. It’s not about objectivity, but about ‘framing’ in the service of maintaining power.”

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