FPÖ – Hafenecker/Fürst: “De-banking” against the media is an attack on press freedom and an expression of undemocratic attitudes | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker/Fürst: “De-banking” against the media is an attack on press freedom and an expression of undemocratic attitudes |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Left-wing initiatives are pushing the transformation into a totalitarian society without diversity of opinion and media under the guise of “civil society”.

Vienna (OTS) Strong criticism of the increasing number of attacks on the freedom of the press by free, patriotic media was expressed today by the FPÖ General Secretary and liberal media spokesman NAbg. Christian Hafenecker as well as the liberal club chairman and human rights spokesperson NAbg. Susanne Fürst. Currently, the “#aufstehn” platform, which hides behind the label of “civil society”, has launched a hate campaign against the patriotic medium “Heimatkurier”, which aims to get their bank to terminate the account details. “Bank N26 has already caved in after a ridiculous 8,000 signatures and has bowed to the orders of the enemies of democracy. “Freedom of the press is sacrificed unabashedly to both political and economic interests,” said Hafenecker.

The current action is not at all surprising as a free ride after the media campaign recently staged in Germany surrounding a private meeting in Potsdam. However, actions like this would increase. “The scam of depriving the media of their ability to finance by putting pressure on payment service providers is not new and has already been established by intolerant left-wing circles under the slogan ‘de-banking’,” says Susanne Fürst. So-called “right-wing extremism experts” specifically encourage left-wing extremist activists to fleece patriots at their banks.

“One thing must be made very clear: this is not about the freedom of contract under private law, which is the basis of a bank connection, but rather about the fundamental right to freedom of the press. The media should be deliberately silenced. “This is an expression of a totalitarian attitude and whoever takes part in it is striving to transform our society away from democracy and fundamental rights,” emphasized Susanne Fürst.

This is also clearly visible in the actors. The German platform “Campact”, which is closely linked to #aufstehn, has already completely dropped the democratic mask by running a petition for the basic rights of the successful AfD politician Björn Höcke to be revoked. #aufstehn is apparently developing in the same direction, says Hafenecker: “Such projects are the superficially friendly faces of a totalitarian movement, whose dull street fighters paint calls for murder on houses. In terms of content, however, there is little that separates these projects from the violent Antifa. The ‘civil society’ that they both dream of is a thoroughly anti-democratic society without diversity of opinion and media, which wants to push out dissidents from all areas of society – from bank details to the right to vote,” warned the FPÖ media spokesman.

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