FPÖ – Hafenecker: Completely incomprehensible excitement about patriotic positions on asylum and immigration | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Hafenecker: Completely incomprehensible excitement about patriotic positions on asylum and immigration |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

The FPÖ position is clear: Anyone who does not adhere to the law or uses Austria as a social hammock has forfeited their right of residence

Vienna (OTS) FPÖ General Secretary NAbg described it as completely incomprehensible. Christian Hafenecker the excitement prevailing in Germany and brought to Austria by left-wing circles in politics and the media about the participation of AfD politicians in discussions on asylum and immigration policy. “The fact that patriotic politicians are trying to limit and make amends for the damage that left-wing and pseudo-bourgeois parties have caused in recent decades through completely wrong asylum and immigration policies is certainly no secret; on the contrary, it is our duty in the interests of our own population,” said Hafenecker. The FPÖ has a successful petition entitled “Fortress Austria” started and the associated demands were also repeated Application in the National Council brought in.

Remigration is the order of the day, especially in connection with countless criminal foreigners who are not willing to integrate or who are in no way in need of protection. The possibility of denaturalizing people who have been given citizenship despite a lack of willingness to integrate and who have committed serious crimes as new citizens of their host country is currently being discussed in Sweden, which has long been notorious for its completely unrestrained immigration policy.

There is therefore not the slightest reason to distance oneself from patriots in response to calls from left-wing parties who are committed to stopping the catastrophic developments that these very parties are driving forward, said the FPÖ General Secretary.

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