FPÖ – Hafenecker: “Aloof ‘Sun King’ Sobotka is the personification of the ÖVP system!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Scandal President” once again demonstrated his undemocratic mentality – “Post-cheating reasons and not reasons of state were the reason for ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer’s betrayal”

Vienna (OTS) FPÖ General Secretary NAbg today criticized it as one of the “last such appearances of the aloof ÖVP ‘Sun King’”. Christian Hafenecker, MA Statements by ÖVP National Council President Sobotka in the ORF “press hour”.

“In the history of the Second Republic, there has never been a President of the National Council who conducted his office in such a partisan manner and constantly displayed his undemocratic mentality, which was borne out of the evil spirit of the corporate state, as Sobotka. That is why he has plummeted in every trust index and has not only caused the greatest damage to the reputation of the second highest office in our republic, but also to the reputation of politics as a whole. He will find his inglorious entry into the history books as a ‘scandal president’ from autumn onwards,” said Hafenecker, for whom Sobotka is also a “personification of the ‘ÖVP system’ of post-trading, friendism and favoritism” and therefore “a supporting pillar of the ‘deep ÖVP state’. Particularly in investigative committees, Sobotka acted entirely in the spirit of the ÖVP and torpedoed the investigation: “The only reform for U-committees that would have been of real concern to him would have been his proposal to abolish the obligation to tell the truth and thus the complete dismantling of this important enlightenment committee .”

ÖVP Chancellor Nehammer did not keep the green “arbitrary minister” Gewessler in office out of “reasons of state, but rather out of black ‘post-cheating reasons'”: “Nehammer did not stop Gewessler with the EU renaturation law and with it our farmers, the security of our population’s supply of local food and betrayed our sovereignty only because he still needs the green approval when filling ÖVP positions, for example at the EU Commissioner, at the National Bank or the FMA. The Nehammers, Sobotkas and Co. don’t care at all about the well-being and future of their own people when it comes to positions and benefices for their favorites!”

The fact that Sobotka sees the practice of the strongest party in National Council elections also providing the President of the National Council as “not set in stone” shows, according to the liberal general secretary, “a deeply anti-democratic contempt for the will of the voters.” “If the population doesn’t vote the way the system likes it, then votes are suddenly no longer counted but rather weighed. With Sobotka’s open contempt for democracy – and nothing else would be a break with this practice that has been practiced for decades – the sad moral image of the ÖVP is completed once again. It is therefore so important that on September 29th, with the strongest possible FPÖ result, the citizens set the course for a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl and pull the plug on this system including the black-green-red-pink unity party!” explained NAbg. Christian Hafenecker, MA.

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